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How to deal with friends that force their beliefs on you?

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I was just wondering how do you guys deal with friends that directly or even indirectly force their beliefs and ideologies onto you?


I don't mean to be selfish, obviously sometimes what people say to me may be very beneficial for me, but I often find a lot of things just honestly annoying and I just don't want to buy into it.


For example, one of my friends always tells me how to talk to girls and stuff and what I should do and stuff, even though I never asked him to help me, yet he insists on forcing his ways onto me telling me "you should do this and that." I mean I understand it could be good advice, but I never wanted the advice, and a lot of it I've already been told, but I don't know how to tell him that I'm already informed on that, without sounding like I don't want him to talk to me.


Another example is when one of my friends talks about how he hates this and hates that, and does this quite often. How do you let them know that you don't appreciate that kind of talk? I mean I am ok with "listening" to them, but I'm tired of having them constantly bring up the same hate subjects quite often, even though I've let them know my stance on the issues.


How would I respectfully tell my friends about these behaviors and how I do not want to give in to their way of life, without sounding like I'm selfish, stuck up, and mean?

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Just tell them you will keep there suggestions in mind and for the ones that repeat their advice over and over tell them 'Yeh i know you told me that last time'... Most of the time people dont realize they are repeating what they are saying... I do that quite often when i get excited about a topic but my friends make sure to tell me 'Yeh you told me that before'... I laugh and try to find a new subject.. I dont get offended when i am told that... dont know about your friends.

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Just tell them you will keep there suggestions in mind and for the ones that repeat their advice over and over tell them 'Yeh i know you told me that last time'... Most of the time people dont realize they are repeating what they are saying... I do that quite often when i get excited about a topic but my friends make sure to tell me 'Yeh you told me that before'... I laugh and try to find a new subject.. I dont get offended when i am told that... dont know about your friends.


well it's also the way they force their suggestions onto me. They say it as if I'm inferior and don't know anything, and am not following things the right way as if they have the right way of doing things. So far I've just listened, but I'm tired of hearing it when I never wanted it in the first place. I can understand if I were to ask my friends for girl advice, but not when I don't want it, lol.


Not all my friends do this, just a few of them, so I guess it's not as bad as it sounds.

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lol well it is bad enough for you to notice...


I usually count such bossy people in the negative people pile and try to ignore them altogether meaning try not be in a converation distance. And when they do finally get to talk to me i say 'yep you are soo right' and finish the conversation as soon as possible...


See if I feel that their advice is annoying then i need to avoid them and save my the health from the stress their conversation causes. People do not change most of the times and annoying people never change.

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i smile and let them talk. some people just have a need to preach their beliefs to everyone they can. when the conversation's over i just wipe it from my mind and do my thing. i know what's right for me.


haha I guess that works, but what if they keep bringing up the same beliefs onto you? you just keep doing the same thing?

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A trace of blood, just out of curiosity what beliefs are they trying to force on you?


well one of them was talking trash about God and I believe in God myself, and I found it very offending, but I didn't retaliate, I just let it go.


At another time my friend was telling me about how to talk to girls and stuff, I never asked for that kinda help at the time and didn't care to discuss it with him, but I found myself in a stupid little argument against him.

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