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Accidently betrayed friends trust... =/

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Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking; "How do you accidently betray someones trust?"


Well here's what happened:


I got home tonight to find an email in my inbox that seemed to be bordering on a suicide note to me from her, which had me jumping at shadows to begin with. I signed into the Instant Messenger (scourge of humanity) and talked with her for a while, we talked about how she'd recently been sick, and how she was fighting with her best friends boyfriend.


Another guy we both know was talking to her, and she asked me to explain "things" to him because she was too upset to repeat it again, so I go into the other window, and tell him she's been feeling sick lately due to a blood disease, and how it's wearing her down.


Problem is, I misunderstood, she wanted me to tell him something else entirely about her friend and her friends boyfriend, I just signed out after spending the last twenty minutes in a back and forth conversation with her consisting of: (me)"It was an accident, I misunderstood!" and (her)"I can't believe you did that, you know I didn't want him to know that!" repeated over and over.


I apologized for the mistake I made, but she continued to believe I did it maliciously, as if I had just been waiting until the opportune moment to strike at her by spreading secrets or something... I got fed up eventually and left with the words: "It was an accident, If you feel I did it on purpose, then don't tell me anything anymore... maybe I'll talk to you tomorrow."


From your collective experieces, Is there anything I can do or say to make this better? I enjoy having her trust, and it was an honest mistake. I'm hoping I can talk to her in the morning and try to make it clear it was an accident, but now I'm wondering if that will just make things worse...

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Leave her alone for a little while. Don't feel like you need to fix it tomorrow. In a few days, try again. She's feeling a little hurt and betrayed, let those feelings wane a little. Then she may listen. Right now, she may not be ready to listen.

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Honestly, there isn't anything you can do.


Like you said, it was an honest mistake. We have all made those kinds of mistakes with good friends before.


You hurt her feelings. But that was a risk she took when she had you talk to another guy about how she was feeling. You apologized and you really are sorry for what happened.


If she can't forgive you, that's not something you can help. But chances are, I think she will come around and realize that you really didn't try to hurt her.

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