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Question about No Contact

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Lets say that one person in a relationship has attained more power regarding the direction of the relationship. In addition, this person can manipulate this power quite effectively to get their way when push comes to shove. Once you initiate no contact, isn't that going to drive this person away because they have lost their power?

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Funny, I think it would do the opposite... It would excite their interest to regain that power. I believe in many relationships there's one who loves/gives more than the other... I was that person in MY relationship. I'm instilling NC/LC to become (if possible) the other person, making my EX the lover/giver. If it happens, it happens. If not, then I guess it wasn't true to begin with.

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I have been texting my ex for a week, at lest 100 times...I finally decided today that I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS ANYMORE, and that I refuse to try and contact him again. he is messing with my head, he sent me stuff last week, love you, miss you, constantly worry about you, etc...... But refuses to even so much as call or text me to let me know IT'S OVER FOR GOOD--so I took the initative, and figured, no calls or texts in a week--IT'S OVER and now I hve to live with the pain of never having closure, never syaing goodbye, nothing. the last time Iseen him was 1 week from yesterday and he walked out my door stating, "You just don';t understand". I LOVE HIM --with all my heart but I refuse to be the victim anymore, and if and when he ever tries to text or call me again---I am not answering him. Good Luck, I know i am in ALOT of pain, and confusion, but hopefully it willl get better for both of us.

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