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What's up with him??

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Okay. So there's this guy at work I like. && The only reason I know he exists is because I met him because my neighbor thought he was the same guy she knew so I asked him if he knew someone with that name, and he said no, so I walked away, && I turned back and saw him smiling. Well, to speed things up a bit, I talked to him some while we were at work, but everytime I'd ask him a question, he'd answer it, and then walk away. I catch him looking my way a lot, and one time, he saw me and smiled. I thought he may be interested so one day I asked him if he wanted to come with me and some friends to see a movie that friday night. Well, he said he thought he had to work, so I was like, okay. Well, that Friday that I was planning on seeing the movie, he didn't say anything about it, but I asked him if he had to work, and he said yes. Well, it's been about two weeks since that, and I figured that he is definetely not interested, otherwise he would've said something by now && then today we both had our breaks at the same time, and I was sitting in the breakroom when he came in and sat down at a table and then one my managers came in and sat down at the same table, so I started talking to her and I noticed that when I said something that I was proud of, he smiled && then after I'd finished talking with her, I noticed him looking at me, particulary my shoes/pants/ I'm not really sure. Then later on when I was back on my lane I saw him looking at me, and then he smiled when I saw him. When he was leaving, he turned back once to look, and then turned around again and smiled/grinned/whatever. I don't know what to think because he won't talk to me but he'll talk to every other girl co-worker. Sorry it's so long. I tried to shorten it up as much as possible.

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Hi Kristen, sounds like you two may be a good match! Both are uneasy when it comes to taking that next step. I know you have already asked him to a movie that he was unable to go to, but why not make one more attempt?


Strike up a couple casual conversations with him this week. This will break the ice between the two of you and may open him up a little. You never know what doors a little, "Hey, what's going on?" can open.


Then, after a couple of these short conversations, see if he wants to hang out (movie, walks, anything). If he was shy before, maybe he will have gotten over it.


Bottom line, if you like him, go for it. What's the worst that can happen - he says "no". OK, fine, at least you get that feeling of what if out of your head.


GOOD LUCK - I have a feeling he may take you up on that movie offer now.

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