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hook-up knock-out

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okay, so i was spending the night at a friends house.. you know the usual girl stuff, hanging out, talking on the phone, things like that. now my friend, she happens to be very popular and well liked becuase she is a pretty girl, because of this, she kind of makes herself out as a sometimes i get jealous about all the attention that she receives. so we were hanging out in her basement, and this guy that she really liked called, and he asked us if we wanted to sneak out and meet him and his friend at the park. so we snuck out at 1 in the morning and ran to that park and met them. my friend hooked up with her guy, and i hooked up with his friend. we both refused to go far with them, even though they begged us. we strictly kept it to making out and getting felt up, because we are only incoming freshman and these boys are getting ready to be sophmores. so theyre only a year ahead, but it still makes a difference. so, towards the end of our adventure, my guy asks me too keep our hook up a secret, just between me and him. him being an A list kid at the high school i will be attending, i wanted people to know, but i was willing to keep it somewhat quiet. when we got home that night i told my friend that i was with all of what happened and she told me what happened with her guy. it was inevitable that she was going to find out, either from me or the guy i hooked up with becuase he was friends with her also. but i kind of slipped up when i told me BEST FRIEND what happened. my friend that i was with that night told the guy that i had told another person and he kind of flipped out. i felt bad that i had made him a promise that i wouldnt tell anyone but this girl is my best friend that i tell EVERYTHING to. i have complete trust in her, and i didnt think my other friend would tell him, but she did. so then we were on the phone 3 wayiong with last nightand he was kind of upset about it but then we talked it out and he was like "if you ever want to do it again then you cant tell anyone else" he was trying to be really nice about it but i knew he just didnt want all his friends to know that he hooked up with someone in his little brothers grade. i think ive gotten a little attachted to him because even though he wants it to be kept quiet, i would still be willing to do it again. but my friend, being gorgeous, im afraid she might be trying to get him for herself because the time she had the other night was not as glorious as mine. she had changed feelings about her guy. no i am afraid that she wants my guy, and i have no doubt in my mind that if she decides she wants him, then she is going to get him.I NEED HELP! what can i do?

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Im sorry and this is just my personal opinion but I wouldn't be hooking up with ANYONE if they were going to be getting mad at me for telling someone. Obviously this guy is using you for something other to be a friend otherwise why wouldn't he care for people toknow? most guys I know would brag about getting so far with a girl. There is just something smelling fishy about this guy and your best bet is to stay far away from him. How old are you guys btw?

Good luck!

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I agree with Mythical Suicide. I would never hook up with that guy again, if he won't allow you to tell anyone. It sounds very suspicious.

You know better than I would, being that you were there, but I would say he's probably using you. If he tries to go any further with you, please have some respect for yourself and leave.

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I have to agree with other posters that this guy sounds like he just wants one thing and is not interested in anything more with you, including a friendship. You will end up feeling bad about yourself if you continue to allow him to use you like this. It is not a good situation. It also sounds like he thinks he's better than you, which is not going to lead to a relationship. I would stay clear from this guy. He's going to be nothing but trouble or he wouldn't care who knew about the two of you. Most guys brag about making out with certain girls and if he doesn't want his friends to know that is not a good thing.

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As an older brother type, please hear me out. If you are like most girls in intermediate or high school you probably love when guys give you attention. You probably want to meet a really great guy that is going to love you for who you are and will take care of you and treat you well. The type of guy you hooked up with definitely only wants to have sex with you. He also wants to have sex with all the girls he meets every friday night and he tells them all not to tell anyone else so that they won't get mad at him. You may be excited that he likes your body, but you need to realize that every guy in you school probably likes your body. I am not exaggerating. At the age you are talking about all the guys may not show it but they are probably willing to have sex with just about every girl in the school and probably you in particularly. There are those guys though that respect women enough to not do that to them. You might be wondering what is sooooo bad about a guy trying to have sex with me especially if he uses protection and all we do is "get felt up". Let me please tell you of the horrors. First off the most important aspect of this all is an aspect you might not understand. As you start to become sexual active it becomes a very big part of who you are which ends up controlling the way you look at relationship. You will start to find yourself looking more and more for the sexual side of relationship and less and less at the truly loving and caring side of relationships. Men can also tell if you are sexual and men that aren't trying to be sexual will be repulsed by you and men that are sexual will be drawn to you. So you will get in more and more sexual relationships. I hope you can understand how bad this is. Also when you are actually in relationship you will not try to work on the trust, patience, forgiving, and caring parts of relationship you will just skip to the sex. You might think that if everyone is so crazy about the sex it must be great. Well according to the research I have read it can be, but outside of a trusting, caring, committed relationship many women aren't actually able to enjoy sex at all. Many people just brag about sex because they want to act like they are mature and they think they will have more friends if they do. Many people also start smoking doing drugs, and drinking for the same reason. Let me tell you about the statistics and yes these are real and yes you could be a part of them very easily especially if you are doing these kind of sexual things right now. First through anal and oral sex you are more likely to get a sexually transmitted disease. Currently 1 in 3 people under the age of 24 who are sexually active have a sexually transmitted disease. Many of these diseases don't ever go away. If you are worried about zits thank about zits or warts all over your private parts for you whole life and think about trying to have sex after that. Many of the young people these statistics talk about are using birth control and condoms but they still get STDs. Also, think about possibly getting Aids and dying before you reach 30. In Washinton D.C. 10% of the people living there have Aids. Also realize that you are putting yourself at risk for having a child at a very early age. Children are wonderful, but if you can not fully take care of it then you are going to hurt that child. You will also greatly reduce your chances of getting to college and many men will not want to marry you if you have a child at such a young age or get an STD. It is a sad truth many women have to live with. Please take care of yourself and don't let men abuse you. Also remember that those guys who are not asking you out right now, if you will give them a few years they will start to ask you out. At your age many guys are too scared to ask girls out or are just not ready for a dating relationship. Please be patient and take care of yourself. When guys ask you to fool around with them it is kind of like them asking you to run out onto a busy highway and to dodge traffic. You will likely get very very hurt and they won't. They will sit on the sidelines and enjoy watching you. They will tell you they love you, and when you get hit by a car they will walk away and find the next girl to taunt. Sex is wonderful in a life long committed loving relationship, but fooling around is just crazy.

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Sounds great! Hope I didn't upset you too much. As I get older and see the results of all of the fun people are having in school, I am more and more heart broken and feel I have to tell as many people your age as I can the problems that can come from it and often do. Good luck. By the way, from your post in sounded like you were pretty strong against the boys, but remember its going to continue. Thanks for reading my post.

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