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A 'SEXY' problem.

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Right right right. So I started seeing this amazing girl a few weeks ago (complete hottie like ). We know each other pretty well and enjoy each other's company and blah di blah.


We decided that we wanted to have sex a few days ago. This is where the problem arose (it gets graphic from here kids). The first time I tried to penetrate her it felt like I was trying to make sweet love to a brick wall ](*,) . The same thing happened the day after, and yesterday - de ja vu.


It seems like a combination of my ladyfriend being too 'tight' and myself being too large (I'm a larger than average). She is younger and has almost no 'sexual experience' - I figured she may be nervous and be clamping up. I tried my best to put her at ease and also did foreplay with her for bloody ages, all to no avail.


This is becoming really fustrating for us, especially since I have a raging libido.


Has anyone had any similar problems? I can't make Mr. Happy any smaller, but perhaps she could try and make herself a bit more 'accomodating'? Advice would be greatly appreciated guys!


Dizzy bruce

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She IS legal - yeh?


I think it does sound like a matter of her needing to relax a bit. Even if you are bigger than average and she is smaller than average (yes, ginas come in different sizes as well) even if...vaginas DO stretch and will allow for intercourse.


I guess....more time (I know, I know!) I have a feeling it WILL get better the more comfortable she feels.


Sounds to me tho, like maybe she's uncomfortable about the act itself - not about having it with you, if that makes sense.

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Hmm... okay.

So when you did try to penetrate, just how far did it go in before you hit the wall? ( I hear Pink Floyd playing in my head)


Did you try finger insertion during foreplay to probe about and maybe see what is going on? I.E; clamped muscles, short vaginal canal, large pubic symphasis, etc...

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I hope you asked her aftwards if she was alright . . . you might even be hurting her and she's not telling you! I had sex with a guy that was "above average" and it hurt like hell! My private part was sore for several days! I would suggest that you be gentle and start off slow. And btw, I thought guys love it when it's tight down there?

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Okay firstly, yes she is legal.


Secondly, I didn't penetrate at all before I hit 'the brick wall'. I couldn't enter even a little boo.


The lube advice is probably a good idea. Seems a bit messy. But worth a try.


I agree 100% with what you said brokenwingedfairy! tight is good! but only when you've gained entry.


Thanks for your advice too sheyda. I didn't realise that making her orgasm beforehand would help! That, however, is easier said than done.




bruce x

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not that im an expert =) but plenty of lube and foreplay and slowly get her to accommodate your large member. Say start off with one finger, then two and three. Then hopefully, u might achieve some success.


I've read that when a women can't take a penis, its mostly psychology and donw to nerves. Perhaps, she should seek a doctor for some advice or search the internet. Good luck!!1.

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While you are warming her up with the finger action, make note of her pubic bones, if you can.


Some women, especially young/slim/petite women have especially small pubic openings as they are not yet done with the growing of their "child-bearing" hips. Sweep up and then back with your fingers to see if you encounter the bones, and if so, how large the opening is...

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