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I just wasted my time

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I was gonna edit my story, but never mind my I know why my ex is mad and this is a bad break up, she's very inmature, which is totally understandable and in the other hand I shouldn't even be wasting my time on her my family would never let me commit to her, but I'm sure she knows that.

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Goodness. Yeah, well it's good that you understand what a big deal checking her mail actually was. Call me crazy, but I think there still is something possible here. The fact that she's still mad at you shows that there's still an emotion between you two, even if it's anger.

So do you leave her alone or what...that's what you're asking.


Is she totally anti-you right now? It's been 5 months! If I was in your shoes, I would sit her down (if possible), look her in the eyes and explain how you and her have both been adversely affected by a mistake 5 months ago. You regret it, you've regreted it with every breath you've drawn since that day. You know that what you've done not only violated her space, but even worse, it made her feel uncomfortable.

I hope that if she realizes that you sincerely respect her feelings, she'll forgive you.


But should you just ignore her for a little bit? I have no idea. Anyone else?

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You have to move on. You really really have to move on because you are just torturing yourself by trying to "make things right." I have been almost exactly in your position, lost someone I once loved very much. She can't stand me right now...made it a point several time that we couldn't even be friends. Even now for the life of me I don't know how we got this way, but what I have been told, what I realize I should have done is not apologize so much and "try to make things right." It smacks of desperation and women, especially my ex, don't like the smell of desperation. It sounds pathetic and weak and most women don't get off on that. Move on. Ignore her. You have to work hard at this, but you will be rewarded. Why? You may realize you truly don't need her, that there are so many other beautiful and kind women out there (beautiful on the inside and outside). Don't seek blood from a turnip. Go to those who will willingly give you love and kindness and respect. You know there aren't many people like that around, so when you find it, grab it. Why waste your time with someone who won't give you that love and respect.


Second, the best revenge is a life well lived. When you go on with your life, she will be the one on this board asking "Why did he forget me so soon? Did he love me? Did he care?" Then it will be her who will be seeking you for answers, for closure, etc.


I tell you, it's better to move on. Move on.

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Wow, Hopeful. There's tons of logic in what you're saying. Nevermind that apology post of mine.. hah. I'm a tad too idealistic.

It just got dumped a few weeks ago. First thing I did was stop talking to her for a little bit, during which time I scoped the internet for places like enotalone for help and advice. Everyone told me not to act sad and depressed. So I'm being happy now. So your advice about not acting desperate is definitely true.

Sometimes it's just hard to do that though. But I realize that you just have to force yourself to.


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It's been 5 months, and he still has anger...and I don't really blame her because you broke trust with her. It would make things even worse if she's been hurt before. I think that you should try and move on even if you still think about her leave her alone for a bit and try to meet new people i know it's hard but maybe you both need it.

You might want to talk to her after that and explain that what you did was really wrong and that you've learned from it, I dunno really what to tell you other then not to pine over it and try to cheer up. Maybe she is enjoying you getting tortured over this, because she wants you to feel some pain for what you did Who knows. Again I don't know but Do whatever feels right. Hope I helped somehow

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