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I know that NC is hard and gettin over a break up is hard but what I find harder is feeling like a robot - which is how I am now, I'm just going through the motions.


My relationship has been over 2 mths now. Over this period of time, I've been through the gamut of emotions - sad, angry, depressed and now I feel numb.


Whats this about? At least with sad or angry - I know what I'm feeling - but to have no feeling???


I think of his name - and before it struck up a feeling. Now it just feels like nothing - another name. How do I deal with numb? I find myself out at social events etc.....and I still feel numb, not connected. Sometimes I just pack up and leave. I just don't feel sociable. What is this? What is this feeling? Am I depressed and don't know it? I'm confused. I mean everyday I do wake up and think of HIM, but its not in that sad way anymore.


I have been asked out and I just don't feel ready to date anyone else. But I know whats going to happen - 2 months down the road I'll be desperate for a date and no one will ask me out then and I'll regret all the ones I turned down. How do I deal with this???

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Hey Goldfish,

Im sorry for your dilemma. Truth is: you have to rise above it and let go. It seems like there is something you have not let go of yet. What might that be? If you do not feel ready to date that is ok. It takes time to heal so maybe you should be making friends instead. You should not regret doing anything that you think is good for you, that you need to move on.

I hope your breakup does not only continue its damage by hardening your heart to people that are interested in you. Perhaps you just need to forgive yourself, forgive your ex, forgive people in general so that you can let people back in. Good luck

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Sounds like your in after-shock. I find that after a breakup after the hurt starts to go away you put up a wall and don't let any emotions in. Its your way of protecting your heart. That's where the numbness comes in. Eventually you have to learn to slowly let that wall down and let people in again, then you'll feel like yourself again.


Cheers up, it can only get better. Be strong.

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It will take time for you to go out on dates again. It's been almost 2 months for me and as much as I'd welcome someone in my life I feel as if I'm not strong enough to stand on my own two feet.


As for being numb I know that all to well. You are most likely depressed about the situation. 4lorn is right about the wall. I find reading other peoples problems and talking to friends about my own helps me put it behind me. I'm slowly starting to get feeling again. If it continues you could always see your family doctor and maybe they can give you something to help.


Being numb is the worse feeling. I'd rather feel pain cause atleast you feel something.

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