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Still stuck! Could use more advice.

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I have mentioned that my job is not great before on this site, and the advice was to look for something new. I have done that, but still have not managed to find anything new.

I am in my mid-thirties and bored with my job.

I used to love it, but the new people I work with are not a good mix for me.

I feel I am in a career rut and am just plain unmotivated.

It kind of sucks, but I want to continue to make the living I make now and don't want to start something new that pays a lot less.

I have some high fixed expenses like a mortgage that makes this seem hard to do. I also think of it as an ego thing, like I failed at my career at the age of 36.

I can't seem to find another position in my field and I am out of ideas.

I make a very good living, but I feel stuck and unhappy.

I am just not sure of what to do.

Any advice?

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Thanks for the reply. I read a couple of your posts and thought I could benefit from your advice, so I would like to hear more advice. We are in similar situations.

I believe I have skills that can be monetized outside the workforce, but I am not a born salesman, which makes it more difficult to be an entreprenuer in my opinion. Basically, I would love to work for myself in some capacity, but I am not sure what to do.

I am a little aimless right now. I wonder if my passion is zapped from my career or if it is just this job. I would like to get a new job first to test this theory out, but it is proving to be very very hard.


I could probably get another lower paying job, but I would feel like a failure then. I have friends that are starting to very well in thier careers, and I can not figure out what I am doing wrong. I am starting to think I am not a hard enough worker, but I never felt that before this job started to make me feel that way. I have no support in this workplace and my two teammates are not really teammates. they are more competetive than anything else, and I feel like an outsider.


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