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had my drink spiked..is this the right forum for this?

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thank you nottoogreen, your advice has been very helpful. i was afraid to go to the doctor's but my mum has been brilliant about this when i told her. she was annoyed about me being careless but glad i was safe. i guess its time to play the waiting game and see what the results say. i am just recovering now. those flashbacks were scary and if more come then i will consider counselling.


thank you

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Hon I would consider counseling anyhow, because you have been unnerved right? When something frightening like that happens, we learn untrue assumptions about the world and our surroundings. Over time, these buried thoughts can manifest as other things.


I know you're thinking "what a quack" but it's completely true. The mind is a tricky thing. I'd go for a few counseling sessions if I were you, just making sure to 'clear your mind' about the incident and how unsafe it has made you feel.

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i am going to make an appointment with a counsellor. i have taken into account what lilac has said and i think it will be best if i do this now rather than it catching up with me later on.


my little sister kept me company all night in case i got anymore flashbacks and to be honest i was too afraid to sleep on my own. i will keep you posted on what my results say. ta

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Even if the blood tests do come up and say that there was some kind of drug put into her drink, wouldn't it be really hard to prove that the guy did it unless there was a camera or he had them on his possession?


Perhaps, but she's not the one who has to prove it. That's what the district attorney's job is. They've got the investigators, labs, etc to figure out how to prove it (or if they can prove it). Sometimes they can prosecute merely on a victims testimony.

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