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Hey everyone, need some advice about this.


Its been 10 days since we broke up (talked about my situation in earlier threads).


I have made it absolutely clear that I want her back. To summarize briefly, she is just done with all the stupid fighting, done with the way I treat her, and feels that even though she loves me very much, misses me like crazy, she just thinks it might be right to move on. I have maintained the fact that I never really realized how much she meant to me (yawn, sure we have heard that many times)... mostly because this was breakup number 2, and she came back to me first time around... I always had my doubts about us and was insecure, but now I am ready to "man up" so to speak, admit to my mistakes, take the blame, and realize that I want her.


Anyways, obviously no amount of convincing on my part will make her give it another shot, so my question is:


Do I delete her off my msn messenger?? I kept her on and we did chat 2 days ago, it was nice... yet this is when she first admitted that she is "not completely ready to just let go" of me yet.


So what do I do? If I dont have her on my messenger then I will always be thinking about her, always wondering if maybe we are one chat away from getting back together.....


If I keep her on, then I will be going through torture everytime I see her online... "should I message her?"... "wait for her to talk to me first?"


btw so far, she has always been the one to message me first. however today (after not speaking since 2 days ago) I messaged a quick: "hey whats up" and she never responded... then went offline.


Any advice? Should I just delete her for a few days, or keep her online and keep small talk going atleast, keep contact minimal but still there?

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I agree...Remove her from your list, but do not block. This will work against you. Remove her and try not to look at what shes doing. Its torture. You put the ball in her court. She knows what you want. If you feel like she knows this and knows your sorry, theres not much else to do. When she talks to you, she will...dont bring up the relationship unless she does. Let her wonder what youre thinking.

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I have the SAME EXACT PROBLEM. i just don't use Messenger anymore. i log in to check my emails, but my status is set to "Appear Offline."

After we agreed to have NC, she disappeared from messenger, and only recently popped back up. I deleted her (but no block) and she popped up again. I don't know how this is, but it happened. we haven't spoken, but she did send an email last Friday. go figure.

If there's no one on your MSN that you really need to chat with, don't use it. I have alll the phone numbers from people i want to talk with, so it's no biggie, really.

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