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Girl Confused, full story, advice?

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Well here it goes, .....Just looking for some insight or advice and thought maybe someone here has gone through a similar thing. To explain, started seeing an amazing girl about 6 months ago, started seeing her after she had just gotten out of a serious 3 year relationship in which she was engaged and supposed to get married later in this year. Knew I was taking a risk, as usually stay away from anyone with baggage but this girl was different. Up until this girl never ever met anyone that I said to myself this might be the one, but something was different with her for once said to myself, this girl is perfect for me, she is beautiful, have dated hotter but something inside me said this could be the one that people always talk about. Can;t explain it....


So jump ahead couple months, things are great, just everything is going perfect, really started to fall in love with this girl. New she still had issues about her ex but was there for her and she for me. Had met her family who just love me and have introduced her to my family and done the dinner things and what not. Normally I don't introduce a girl to my family, only becuase up to this girl, no girl has been able to get into my heart, and also never any other girl where I wante something more which I wanted with this one. So here is the major thing, my father who has been very sick and terminaly ill, goes into the hospital and she is there by myside for two days straight, didn;t sleep, unitl my father passes away. Was like an angel to me, wouldn;t have made it through without her. After the funeral when we are talking about deep things, she says things like why didn;t we hang out with your father more all them times I was over, just things that mean alot to me. I think to myself that I am truly fallen in love with this girl.


So fast forward to about 4 weeks ago, things have taken a downward slide, her ****ing ex comes back onto the scene, think cause he is jealous of me and her being happy once. This guy is a piece of work, has a drinking problem and her family hates him and doesn;t talk to her (the girl I am crazy about). She says she has feelings for him and that she talked to him and he has seemed to change. Of course I am disappointed and little angry but play it cool. Contirue to talk to her but have stepped back.


Well couple weeks, said to her "that I can;t do this anymore, worrying about her maybe going back to her ex, that I still care for her and like her very much, but know she needs some time and space to figure stuff out and that I need to move on or I will only contiue to hurt myself".


So about two weeks ago, talked to her sister on msn, just friendly chat, getting the gossip, and her sisters tells me that the girl I am crazy about apolgized for acting how she has, and that she doesn;t want her ex cause she knows he will never change and that she doesn;t see any good with him. Good news for me, but she also says that she doesn;t want anything at the moment and needs some time.


So after hearing this from her sister, decided to call her, and just did the friendly talk, as in how is it going, what is new. Didn;t ask about her ex, but she filled me in that he has not changed and she is sick of his nonsense. So as we talked, I asked off the cuff about catching up sometimes over coffee's. Didn;t ask for a day just mentioned it, needless to say when we were saying goodbye she said she might be in my area this weekend and she will look me up if she can. Well decided to call her last friday, didn;t leave a message, but she must have seen my number so she called me back. So i did the friendly conversation again, and mentioned "woudl you still like to get catch up this weekend?. She said she wouldn;t be around this weekend, some other time. Left it at that.


So waited unitl today (Monday) to call her, she called me back again, and asked what she is up to this week, and mention well if your not too busy or your schedule permits we should do something this week. She said she would like to and would like to see me. So will see what happens, feel like I am on the right path, not being pushy or anything, just a friend.


So have two questions, if we do somehting this week, as in hang out, nothing crazy. Should I be just a friend, don't talk about the past or future? Second part to my question, is I wrote a letter and poem to her,about where I stand, basically saying, I really like you, and understand you need time to yourself to figure life out, but at the same time just know if this weren;t the case I would want to seriosuly date you after this I am ok being "a friend" but need for you to know this so I don;t feel like I am petending to be a friend. Please take a read below of what I wrote to her, should I wait to give this to her or just be daring and take a risk in giving it to her. I know she will like it as that is what kind of girl she is but at the same time, not sure I should.

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I have the letter and poem, written on nice paper, and did it in my own handwriting, and also did it in a nice caligrahy style. Turned out really nice, also did a nice job with a parchment style envelope. Went all out on it, and sealed it with a wax seal of two hearts. Really beautiful,


Well here is the contents of the letter:


My Dearest (name delelted),


Where to start, guess to explain is that I must tell you my thoughts. I am in no means asking for anything at this moment, it is only that I have tried to tell you each time my inner thoughts but each time something holds me back. Sometimes what one can’t say he must write them down, maybe it is so this magic I feel will stay on the paper it is written. Or maybe it is too show you truly who I am.


I have never felt love before that is until I met you. I look at you and I see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, when I am with you I feel that my life has purpose that things can’t get any better then this. That first time on your couch when we were kissing, and you started to kiss me in a special place and I pulled you away, that is something I have never done before, instead I made you feel special, that is how I still feel to this day. I just want you too feel special, to feel wonderful, to know that things are all right. I ask you, right now with all I have, how can I give up on this, how can I walk away from the first girl I have ever loved?


I know we started off with such magic, and still think that magic still exists. I know you need time to sort things thru, to have fun, escape a little and sort things out. Thus I will be a friend, a true friend, but just know that if things were different, I would be trying with all my heart to win your heart.


To close going to steal my own line here:


“Sometimes taking things slow means many things,

To be friends first and see what it brings”



Yours Truly,

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And now the poem:


" Day & Night "


That night ago, when we first met,

As you were walking down your steps.

I didn't know just what to expect,

But I met a girl I would never forget.


So we drove out, into the night,

This girl beside me felt so right.

As the night was over and the car parked,

I kissed you then, I felt that spark.


As we sat in my car and stared away,

I knew that tomorrow would be a great day.

So we said goodbye, lets do it again,

Couple days later, driving hand in hand.


Then came a day, upon your couch,

For the first time I felt the pleasures of your touch.

Not like me I pulled you away,

And so I touched you, and listened away!


So on we went, like the waves on a beach.

So close to me yet still out of reach,

We would talk and I would hear you say,

Your too good, go find another girl today.


Then a day of pain came to me,

I lost someone dearest to me.

You were there, and we all could see,

This amazing girl, that helped me.


And on this day as we laid down to sleep,

I wanted to repay your kindness I had reaped.

So I tried, and you said don't worry about me,

Just close your eyes, and you will see.


So with them words, I did as you said,

Felt your touch, your lips, as we shared my bed.

You asked me once, when I truly felt love,

It was right then, with you above.


So for the first time, just what did I find,

A girl for me, one of a kind.

You were my day something so right,

But even with the day there has to be night.


Then darkness came accross my heart,

Think we are two people, little off the chart.

So I made my peace, and tried to walk away,

But with great pain cause there was something else to say.


I might not be perfect, nor will I ever be,

I am a man, that is loyal, and hope you will see.

That I can't stop feeling, when I feel this way,

Cause even with night, I know your my day.


On I go, with a hope and a wish,

To be your lover, a special kiss.

I know you need time to sort things thru,

For closure, for life, and for you.


In doing so, please don't loose sight,

Of a man that tried to do everything right.

If love is putting yourself last,

Consider me guilty, my verdict cast.


This is my story, what else can I say,

I still think of you each and every day.

Sometimes I think this is the end,

But when I hear your voice it all comes back again.


So I extend friendship to this girl I know,

Friends is what I offer, I hope it shows.

Sometimes taking things slow, means many things,

To be friends first and see what it brings.


(her name deleted) I thank you for making me strong,

I have hidden my heart for too very long.

It beats with a feeling I've never felt,

With love, it has started to melt!

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Comes from everything I have, and it looks beautiful in the way I packaged it. Showed it to one girl this weekend, just a friend, she read it and she said she felt like crying, she received something like that she would feel incredible. She said I should give it to her.

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Ya, that is my thoughts, main thing is want her to know what I feel for her, truly feel. And also that I understand she needs time but at the same time, I can't pretend being a friend until she knows what I feel.


How does the letter and poem, look?

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Really sweet. I think she may feel a little emotional pressure from you to stop riding the fence and that's a good thing. If she gets a little frosty, you have you're answer. Be happy you made her day and be brave in your pursuit of better things to come. Understand that you are every day realizing what your heart desires and if she is not able to be with you or willing, you will find a better fit. Just keep letting your heart and mind define that for you.

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So you think I shoudl go for it, give it to her or send it to her, make my last stand so to speak. Why does matters of the heart have to be so hard, seems like when you don;t like a girl, she falls for you, then when you like someone they don;t fall for you...lol....


So you think by giving it to her it will place some emotional pressure on her, please explain that one??

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Well, you have prepared this emotional poem with a heavy (not a bad thing) overtone of love and deep feelings. If she does not feel the same way about you, it is somewhat of a litmus test. When one partner in a quasi-relationship exposes their feelings for the other, there is always the risk of the other partner cracking under the emotional pressure, if, for example, they do not feel the same.


Now, this might delight her, as well, but I would be prepared if you send it her way, for either reaction.


You would think that telling someone you love them would be a good thing. Afterall, why hold back. But sometimes people aren't ready to hear it because they don't feel the same way or they aren't able to let themselves be loved (the latter case I think is more rare).


If you decide to send it, you must be prepared to never regret sending it. Keep a copy for yourself so that you can be inspired by the love that once motivated you to write this work. I sometimes lose my poems when I ship them off to the recipient so don't do the same thing. Keep a copy.


Now, my recommendation for sharing the poem is based primarily on the idea that if you choose not to, won't you regret it later?

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Another reason, you took the time to write it. A pure follow-through would be to share your masterwork with her. If she likes it, great. If not, hey, it's data and you can move on. Don't get stuck on the idea of her if she responds in a less-than-desirable way. It's just proof that she isn't the one for you at this time in your life. Proof helps us make good decisions so be glad if you get any. You might get positive proof that she likes you and wants to take this another step.

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Caroline, I agree with your statements, I plan on giving it to her, just waiting for the right moment. Hopeing we can hang out this week to catch up on one of her days off. Think if that is the case, will put it somewhere in the care, maybe under her seat, and ask her if she can grab somehting there for me. I think in seeing her will be able to judge what the right moment is.


Worst case, is send it in the mail, and see what happens.


I am ready for what ever response I get from this girl, my heart says one thing but the logical side of me is ready to move on if that is the case.

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The surprize under the seat option sounds creative. I like it. You could even wrap it up with a ribbon and burn the edges of the paper like it's a scroll for her. A little artwork on the side in the margins might be romantic too. make it visual art as well and it will feel magical in her hands. You could even put it in the glove box and ask her to grab it and give her the option of reading it away from you or in your presense.


This is exciting. Isn't it fun to be romantic? GOOD LUCK!

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Just another thought if you write neatly, you could hand-write the poem and also, you could choose super long paper that rolls up into a scroll as mentioned above, paper color of your choice. If it sounds too complicated, don't worry about it, but sometimes it's all in the execution. Many good ideas get overlooked because they aren't packaged or delivered in the best way.

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No i did handwrite, no how to do calligrahy little, so what I did was write it on a paper with background showing a beach and ocean, cause the poem mentions a beach and also cause we always talked about going to the Caribbean together. So it is all handwrote, looks really nice, took my time. Not perfect but really good.


Also wrote her address and name on a nice old parchment style envelope, then found a wax seal maker of two hearts crossing each other. Looks really classy with the seal and the way i wrote her name on it and adress.


Put some thought and time into it, basically a whole day, cause had to write it a couple times, due to missing a word or spelling, but did get it about the 3rd time.


Think overall I think she will never forget it, and maybe never get one ever again.


The glovebox sounds like a nice idea, thought of that one as well. She really love chocolate bars, so thinking might put on of her favorites in the glovebox and of course empty the glovebox so only the letter and chocolate bar are in there or just the letter.


Will tell her she can open it with me or with out me.

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I think she will read it in front of me, and hope for this. Only cause I hope to be able to say to her "well I promised one day we woud share a real beach and hear the ocean together, at least right now we can".


Went to staples to buy this paper, and looked and looked for something. Thought roses and pink overtones might be too busy and take away from the actual words, then thought just old style parchment paper. But then seen the ocean and beach, you can see it nicely but not so strong where that is all you can see. And like I said, we always talked about going away as she has never been on a nice beach or seen the ocean.


And the "two crossing heart" wax seal gives it a magical touch, luckily found the seal and speical wax at a speciaty store. So really finishes it off.


Visually it looks nice, cause you can see i put so much work into it.

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Also, I know how she is, so think she will really like it. Just like the first time we met and I gave her flowers and I seen how happy she was, was the first time she had ever gotten them. Which is surprising.


Then another time, she has her belly button peirced, and I knew that she really is crazy about a certian symbol/style. I also knew that she likes different belly button rings, so put the two ideas together. Had a hard time finding it but luckily after a day searching the net found someone in china that had what i was looking for. Needless to say, gave it to her, and her eyes and smile were just glowing. She had to ask me a couple times, how did you know. Was a nice moment.


Hope I can see her eyes and smile glow once more in front ot me.

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Thanks, yes hopefully Thursday I see her, and hopefully as you call it I don;t end up in the ex-suitor bin.


Guess time will tell, still willing to do the Friends thing if need be as she said so herself, if timing was different right now things would be different.

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Must say, this is hard on oneself, worrying about things like this. Like a feeling of being totally lost and unsure of life. Kinda sucks.


Guess it comes down to this last chance so to speak, after this I need to take strides to move on, which I gonna be a shaky road I believe.

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