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I can't take not being with her

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I can't think of anything else. I've been in love with a girl for a couple of years now, as far as she's concerned were friends, she used to go out with a good friend of mine for a few years.

Recently she's gone to visit family at the other end of the country but I cannot help thinking about her. I love her so much & want to dedicate my life to her but she just doesn't see it.

Thinking about her is disrupting my work & my life outside of it as nothing else matters. It also drives me nuts to think that she maybe with another man & that means I am not worthy enough to be with her. She'll be back in December but I can't deal with it if she comes to visit me or I see her & she's with someone else, I don't think it's jealousy it just makes me feel unworthy. What am I to do? Confess? Or just bust my heart everyday over it? Before anyone says 'go find other girls' I've tried that but can't bring myself to do anything because none of them compare to her. It's her or nobody.

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Um..well, it went from straight mush to pure anger? Geez...


I'm a big fan of communication. I also don't think you can move on or come to terms with it until you open your heart to her. It may not lead to anything - but at least you laid our your cards and can no longer do the "what if" dance.


Just tell her.

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hey mate, its not all bad..i was friends with a girl for 6 months and we gradually got closer and closer...in the end she told me she liked me...after i thought about it, i thought i like u too...


we stayed togther for 4 brillant years, just recently split up and trying to going back to friends(which is hard) so i say tell her yiu just never know..


she could be thinking the same thing

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