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My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years. I went away this summer and haven't seen him from 2 months and now everything has changed. He is too busy to talk to me and he doesn't want to talk to me . where as before he loved talking to me. He doesn't feel the need to tell me anything, hates when I ask who is with or what he is doing. I am still in another state and won't see him for 2 weeks but we haven't had a real conversation since I got home. I don't think he is cheating on me, and many people say that it just a phas- asserting himself or something because this is the first time we have really been apart in two and a half years. The problem is that this is killing me and he has no clue how much he is hurting him even though I have told him. My imagination is running wild and its like torture wondering if he will call and what cold things he will say. He tells me I am too insecure and neurotic, and I need to find things to do. I just wish I knew what is going on with him. He tells me he Is focusing on work and social life and everything will be fine once I see him. He still calls once a day but its just small talk. We are both pretty young nineteen. I really hope this is just a phase, I can't live like this for 2 weeks. I don't want to be paranoid and start asking a bunch of questions. Going crazy….

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I know how it feels to be paranoid about a rtelationship. I'm paranoid about everything including my lovely relationship with my GF Jesse who I love more than life. Just try to calm down and see how things go when you're with him again. I can't do much online except give you my advice and wish you the best.

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