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Does she like me?

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Hey, I know people ask this all the time, but i need advice! Sorry!


So yeah, I've known this girl for a short while now, and we've chatted etc a few times and we have a good vibe between us, but I don't know if she's being friendly or not...

Heres some points:



We are friendly to each other, like always say 'Hi' and stuff.


She does that to most people, and it would be weird to be mean.



She and her friend chat infront of me about her not having a boyfriend and men troubles. Possibly could be way of reminding me shes single.


She sounds like she has gone off boys maybe? Or maybe she doesn't see me as a 'threat' like girls do with gay guy mates.



One time 4 of us (me, her, her friend, my friend) went out, and I overheard the girls talking about how they had to look nice to match 'him' because 'he' is so good looking, and that (my friend) was not bad either.


The guy could of been anyone, but could of been me. I know it wasn't my friend because they mentioned him by name after. Also even if it was me, it wasn't so much saying in the context that they were trying to 'impress' 'him', but more as to look as good as 'him' especially as girls normally are suppossed to be better looking than guys. Also they could be joking.



We often exchange glances and smiles, especially while walking towards each other, or accross the room.


This could be just friendly, and maybe even a silent joke between us. Either way its not normal because we don't do it to other people.



We often get close, like standing in personal space etc for extended periods of time, where normally you would back off a bit to give a bit of space.


Could be just nothing really.



She seems to talk a little goofy around me.


I don't know if she is just generally goofy or what.



But the real problem is, she is so attractive AND smart. I just find it weird she would bother with me when im sure loads of guys hit on her.

Also it would seem a little odd to just ask her out, unless we were hanging around socially or at a party or something.


My question is, am I seeing something that isnt there? Or should I move on? Baring in mind, this other girl I know is trying to get with me but i'm holding her off because I want to know if I have a chance with the girl in this post...


Thank you.

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BBasically, I have no way of seeing this girl now until the boss next calls me in, and even then the boss will be there, along with others, when I ask her out.

What i'm thinking of doing is making some kind of joke and then slipping the question in. Or alternatively, hope I see her outside of work (we know where we both live so I could 'stalk' around her area all day).


And by get with, I mean hook up. You know like go on a few dates, see how things go.

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Maybe avoid the stalking But I know it might be hard, but you will look like a man if you can ask her out infornt of other people. Even if you get rejected your boss and who ever else is around will think you have balls! Just ask her. I want though this same sort of thing a while back and it did not go well because I could not build the balls to ask the girl. Just do it, you will get your answer.

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Pro: You seem to really like this girl.


Con: You're hesitating to offer her a date and only shooting yourself in the foot by doing so.



You're being extremely (overly analytical) by analysing every, single little detail that she does.


I'd say go for the other chick, she where that goes. If it doesn't work out, stop analysing and offer the first girl a date. (Nothing to lose there, right?)

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Throw caution into winds, and ask the girl out who you like more. If you like the girl B less than you like girl A but you feel you have more chances with B, you should not think like "oh well I don't have a chance with A so I ask B so I get at least something.."


Don't settle for something that you kinda like, when you could go for something that you really really like. Even if you got the thing you like a bit, you will always miss for the thing that you like a lot.


Don't settle for less, aim as high as you can. You might be unable to reach that, but it you'll eventually get higher than you would by aiming lower.

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what have you honestly got to lose? the only thing on the line here is your pride and that can be easily mended...


if she is a true friend to you & is not interested in more being than, she'll be able to tell you so. as long as you're both adult and receptive towards one another's feelings, it shouldn't affect what you two currently have running.


if she's interested in more, then by asking her... you have your in!

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