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Aside from the usual No snacks/soda/fastfood what are some other easy ways to lose weight??


I dont want to lose alot just 5-10 lbs I've been eating healthier and not as big of portions. I've got rid of all carbonated and caffinated drinks....but it doens't seem to be helping



anyone have any ideas?

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I'll give you the same advice I give everyone - and that I myself am taking (6 weeks, 9kilo's lost ^_^).


45 minutes vigorous exercise a day.

Locate and Take a fish oil tablet before every meal (it helps with blood flow and makes exercise a lot more effective)

Eat Healthy


You're already doing one of three, keep at it! Good Luck!

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I've been working out for 6 years now...part of the problem is that I use to work out really hard and run 2 hours aday....but after I graduated high school I haven't had the time for that and I can only hit the gym once a week I do have dumbells and home that I use regularly along with jogging, crunches, and pushups

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Well, sometimes people can drop weight without really needing to work out ... this happened with my friend who did the weight watchers program. I was amazed, but I think she looks a bit thin. She has no muscle.


Anyway, it sounds like you need to make time to work out 30-90 minutes a day, maybe 4 days a week. If you can't you will probably struggle to drop those few pounds. I have been working out for a couple months and just started noticing weight loss maybe 2 months ago. it takes time and everyone is different.

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scorpio.... No I dont REALLY need to lose weight I'm well rounded with what I have I just am getting to where I can't fit into my jeans and that causes a slight problem haha. I'd just like to lose a couple pounds around the edges...after fall session and school starts up again I'll have more time to hit the gym....because I can get in for free there!

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calories in must be less than calories out. simple as that.


keep track of what you eat, make sure that you are expending more calories than you are taking in.


I can't really give you advice without knowing your height and activity level, but in general, many women will need 1700 calories a day for their activities, so if you consume only 1200 calories a day, then you are burning 500 calories a day, which comes out to a pound a week. if you add extra exercise to this also, you'll lose 1-2 pounds a week, and you'll be at your goal pretty fast.


good luck

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When I got food poisoning I lost 10 pounds in a week.. Though I doubt you'd want to lose it that way. What I do to keep at my healthy 110 pounds is take a walk in the cool evning while listening to music. It will take a while, but if you do it all the time it'll help.

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