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she got over me in 2 days!

it was a 14month realtionship

and she was in love with me

and it took her 2days to like somone else.


iv done NC for 5 days now and it jsut seems like im getting more depressed.

i miss her so much. i just hate the fact that i know this NC isnt even bothering her. i just wish for her to call me. i want to get over her but its just so hard, all of this pain made me realize how much i love her. =[ i was so happy with her and now she gone. i have been crying myself to sleep.


i need help.

iv tried to do things to keep y mind off her but it only works for a bit then while im doing them i start to think about her


somone help me =[

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A couple of thoughts here,


First, just because she is with someone else (especially so soon after the split) does not mean she is over you! She might be using this other girl as a replacement for the source of emotions and affection left from this break up!


And secondly, you say it took you all this pain to realize you love her. Be careful with this one. I've said this too many times before. In hindsight, I was mistaking the feelings of detachment, loss, grief, and lonliness for "love".


But whatever...you'll heal from this and have way better relationships with women who fit with you way better because of the wisdom you're gaining here by exploring your feelings and what happened. In the meanwhile, focus on your life and doing the things that make you happy...

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I'm so sorry What To Do.


But I don't think your ex got over you in 2 days. She probably had her eye out for someone else weeks or months in advance before she broke it off with you. Don't be too down about it, you will find someone better because you deserve better.


Your emotions will be like a rollercoaster ride for a while but eventually, as cliche as it sounds, time will heal your wounds. You're too young to let her bring you down like that. Go out and surround yourself with friends and family who really love and care about you.


It's ok to think about her, but just don't let yourself dwell on her. Keep posting your feelings on this site or start writing in a journal to get your thoughts in writing. It's a great form of release.

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I'm just coming out of that dark place you're in, although it may not seem it now it does get better in time.


I was with my ex for six years, I loved him more than I loved anyone else in the entire world. Then one day he said he didn't love me any more and that it was over, talk about a bomb shell.


Within two short weeks he was with someone else, I was shocked that he could move on so quickly while I was still having trouble accepting it was over. I didn't know it at the time but I've since learnt that he started seeing this other guy a while before dumping me though he says they didn't get physical until after the split.


At first I held on to the idea that he's see the error of his ways and come back to me. I'd burst into tears all the time, I felt confused, lost, hurt, I even stopped eating for a while. I tried to keep myself busy but it would only work for a short time then he'd creep back into my thoughts.


It's always going to be hard because you have a heart in your chest not a piece of flint. You can't turn your feelings off, the feelings I have for my ex didn't just go away. Even now I still have feelings for him and it hurts to think that he doesn't feel the same. Eventually though I'm slowly accepting that it's how things are, no matter how much I might want it to be different it's just not going to happen.


There's no quick fix, at least I never found one. I can only say don't give up hope, cry when you feel like crying, talk to a friend when you feel the need and remember that you won't always feel the way you do now.


Take care.

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It's good that you're trying to fill your time in to keep your mind of her.


Have you tried making arrangements to go out with your friends and have a good time. Also, why don't you try going to places where you can meet new friends?


Good luck and take care.

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friscodj- im sorry i ment it as i DID love her soo much b4 but i ment it as i didnt know i could fall so hard, like...idk how to explain i just realize that i REALLLY did love her. ugh idk how to say it lol


ohso-I FEAL EXACTLY! the way u felt, i cry and cry.


its just that she plays with my head SO much, the day that i broke down and cried was when she called me the night b4 getting upset that this girl who she THOUGHT i was going out with was talking to me. we got into it and she ended up telling me she loved me so much and i always call her beautiful and amazing and for that week i hadnt bcuz i new things werent right and she got so happy and told me she loved me again. then we hung up cos she said she was getting tired and called me back 10sec later and said i love u again cos she jsut had to say it one more time she said. then the next day i call her and she treats me like * * * *! she wouldnt talk and i would ask what is wrong and she said im gunna go and i ask why and she said do i have to talk to u all the time i just dont feel like talking. then i hung up and just cried so much.

i try adn hate her but i cant. i love everything about her, she was all i had and know she gone and what hurts is that shes happy and im her feeling like crap and that i prob dont even cross her mind.

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You cry and cry but the pain doesn't seem to lessen, that pain in your chest that has no physical cause but is real none the less.


These things will go away, I hated it when people told me time would make it better because that didn't help me right there and then. I've since learnt there is no way to stop the pain right now, it has to be felt and endured, love is cruel like that.

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better as said in my message its my luck that the girl that i like right now or would like to get to know isnt bi/lesb.

so i kinda had a good/bad day today.

but im not trying to think about my ex...is it weird that the girl i like now looks SOOO much like my ex...do u think maybe thats why ilike her.

but then i do like a lot of things she does haha the way she its is soooo cute!

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i wouldn't fall for a girl because she reminds you of your ex.

i went out with a girl in japan for 2 years. after the split, almost 3 years ago things were fine at first but then i started having reoccurring dreams about her and cried almost every night for a year. until just recently i haven't been thinking about her much at all. most of the time though, the pain will never go away 100% though.

she hasn't gotten over you in 2 days. but it's not like a movie, girls usually don't take back their ex's and if i were you i would lose her # and move on, find someone new. friends, girls that are friends and cool to hang out with. and take it from there. but that's just me, and i'm not very good at taking my own advice. good luck. and you will have relapses too, stay strong and don't think about her and definitely don't call her.

by the way, i didn't know this was a gay/lesbian section, just saw your post

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yeah at first iwas actully scared of her cuz of the similarities, but then i just looked passed that and shes just adorable! hehe wen i found her myspace i wanted to vomit (a good vomit lol)

looking back on my ex she was just sooo freaking mean to me, i mean i know i loved her more then ever, i would and still would do anything for her but she played me and teased me soo much. she would tell me things one day and take it back or even say she never said that. that just makes me a lil sad when i think about it.

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