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Not sure if I can let this go.

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Hi all

Really confused. Thought I knew all the answers, but realise I do not.

I met a girl in work. She was just finishing a relationship with a guy she'd been with for 3 years. we got together for 3 months. had a great time. She suddenly broke it off, her reasons being that she wasn't ready for another relationship as she'd never been single since the age of 14. I accepted this but she has since got back with her ex. About a week later.


That would have been it as far as I'm concerned, but since we broke up we've been meeting for really horny sex. Despite her being with him. I can't stop wanting her but am consumed with jealousy when she leaves, because I know she's going to him. We have this really intimate relationship which I can't break. I'm in love with her. The boyfriend is an as*h*le. just interested in drinking and not with her. This girl rings me every day. I live with a constant pain and wake up every day thinking about her. She will never be mine, I can't compete with a 3 year relationship. I know I deserve better than this.


Any advice appreciated.


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1. Shes not over him.

2. Shes not commited to either of you.

3. Shes cheating on both of you right now, cheating on him with you and you with him.

4. You know about him yet you still interfere in their relationship (3 years)


Walk away let her go. Pick up yourself, dust yourself off and begin to get on with your life. She isnt worth it. Besides, say she leaves him and is with you, youll never be able to trust her since it's started out this way.

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Thanks guys, I suppose I know what I should do but actually doing it is the hard part. There's no coming back to me. She's with him thats official. It probably would have ended way back but I work with her and see her every day. She's all I have at work. And of course there's the sex whcih is frankly amazing. Dunno why she's cheating on him. Kind of feels good because I hate the guy. You're also right about trusting her. I never would. I'm changing my job soon. Maybe that will help, just can't get her off my mind.

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Good sex can be addictive and isn't very common. I've only had it with 2 girls. As it's messing with your head, I'd try to find another job. I wouldn't have much conscience about this "other bloke". It's likely she will cheat with someone else apart from you, if she isn't already.

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Good sex can be addictive and isn't very common. I've only had it with 2 girls. As it's messing with your head, I'd try to find another job. I wouldn't have much conscience about this "other bloke". It's likely she will cheat with someone else apart from you, if she isn't already.



Well....I think you WILL find good sex again. Really good sex. And like Momene said, so will she. Even if she ends up with you later, she'll most likely seek out "better" sex.


She's getting something from the both of you right now. Don't be her chump.


This is the most perfect time to get away from her. Take advantage of it and seek out that relationship that's equally as great sexually as it is emotionally.

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She is a cheater and she also officially broke things off with you to hook up with her ex. How does it feel to be the secondary guy used for attention and whatever other needs she has? Probably pretty cruddy.


I think you deserve more than this and you should respect yourself more than to allow yourself to be used as a piece of meat by anyone. Launch her out of your life for good. She's not worth it.

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She is a cheater and she also officially broke things off with you to hook up with her ex. How does it feel to be the secondary guy used for attention and whatever other needs she has? Probably pretty cruddy....


Thanks for the above all. You're all right what you;re sayin mostly. Objectively it seems that she's just a using B1tch but the way its worked out it doesn't quite feel that way. i know I'm important to her. But I'm 34 and been around the block a few times and I know that I should know better. Thing about being a guy is that you don't mind being used for sex lol.

Its just that the juice isn't worth the squeeze.

I'm moving jobs and am trying to pursue other women so hopefully the spell will be broken soon, as I feel so depressed and low all the fu@king time. There aren't a lot of people in my life where I am and I think thats part of the problem. Its just is that having something feels better than nothing. But actually "nothing" is probably preferable than what I have at the minute.

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