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Wow...OMG! That is so nice of you.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I am touched just to know that ...i am not alone(lol i know it sounds cliche).


Thanks, Allie!!


You are da bomb!


I am taking it all one day at the time, one at the time. Her and I spoke recently(sat), i am glad i handled myself really well. She is all of a sudden offering to do this, take me here...ect. She can be very giving and kind ..but one must be careful. I am thinking i am still healing and maybe it may be a bit too early for this. Afteral this is coming from the same person who said we've really never been "friends".

We shall see.

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Hang in there people, time heals all things get better. I may miss her some nights (sex was incredible), but i remind myself of all the things that went down...i see this boy who has become a Man and how none can hurt unless i allow them to.


I take pride in my belief that independently of any person that comes in my life, i will love me, i will fight for me, i will improve Me. I have upgraded my standards now...and even she will have to step it up a notch. To love me isn't gonna be enough. WhomeEver it is must WANT and RESPECT and Accept that which i am, In good days or in bad days. We can have tiny arguments...but at the core, fundamentally nothing should change.

Because that is the standards that i have set for MYSELF, i woudln't want to be with anyone who values that same standard any less.


Be loved for being You!

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It was nice seing her, we laughed alot, even made a bet on whom would know the exact location of this place we were heading to. Never started any heavy personal discussions, she told me about her promotion at work, she talked about how i seem to be doing well. Ididn't ask her if she was seing that guy(could be..but oh well).

But the after effect is that this person looked at all that i could offer and said she didn't want it, she took off. So yeah It was bitter sweet, but again i know that time is on my side.

One thing is that i hope she realizes that unless she initiates friendship with me, i won't make a move at all. Is that cowardy from my part?

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I don't think it's cowardly, you just don't want to get hurt badly again. It was a good idea that you didn't ask about relationships. As long as you keep off that subject then you should be ok.


If she does want to get back together in the future don't say yes straight away tell her you'll have to think about it and make sure you think about the good times and the bad.


I think you did great!

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Well as you must have read she has contacted me twice already and we met last friday. I have never called her in the NC beside returning her call. That is why my conscious is like wel....maybe i need to let her know that i am ok just being friend (which is what i can offer at the time). a good friend of mine was like : She isn't your friend...LEt her GO!!

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Hi GreatGuy,

Thanks for the lyrics from Nick Lachey, I wrote them in my journal.

She would be blessed to have you as a friend. I hope she appreciates you and respects your feelings.


Thanks...those lyrics i almost sent them to her one night...as of yet we haven't even spoken about the entire ordeal. But i am sure eventually it will come out.


I have such a great heart that i could be mad but you know a couple of month later i am like well...not such a big deal. I have survived worst and this isn't the last of my tough days. I also want to make sure i do not continue to make the same mistakes as i am getting older and hopefully wiser LOL. I have missed her some night(i won;t deny that)

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Hi Great Guy,


I really admire you because your ex at least contact you a few times.


My ex never contact me since I sent the last email saying good bye.


Even though I know that keep in touch with an ex is not good, I still have this wishes that he would some day contact me.


Anyway, for me and my ex to meet is really impossible because we are in different country and I don't have his phone numbers or address-he moved to another country. I deleted all his old contact details.


I guess I have not totally move on yet. Anyway, I will take it day by day to be strong and positive in life.

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GreatGuy just leave things the way they are and if she wants to talk to you let her do all the work.


Take care.


Tigris that is exactly what i had decided to do, She has just emailed me to tell me she finally has the AVI of "The performance" and she wanted to get it to me.


But you are correct, i am leaving things the way they are...and continue to cultivate myself. You know what it is possible that we trully show our true colors in those hard times when we miss them...that is the idea of the person we wanted them to be, or thought they were.


I try and keep my chin Up!

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