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my best friend became preg last school year and didnt tell anyone, she did however tell me about 2 months into it. but heres the thing, the entire time she used drugs and alcohol HEAVILY and eventually ended up losing the baby around 4 months. and now looking back on it, i should have done so much more than i did, i should have stopped her. and i know that its not my fault for what happened but i cant help feeling guilty because i didnt do anything. now she's really upset (2 months later ...after she got clean) that she killed her baby, and i want to help her, i really do...but her actions most likely were the cause, and I feel bad myself because i know that i could have done more to help. so i dont know, should i feel guilty?



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It's sweet that you care so much that you feel guilty. This is NOT your fault. She is clearly experiencing some difficulties, first of all getting pregnant while in school, and then the drinking and drugs. Just be a good friend for her now. Say you are happy that she is clean and that you are always there for her. That you are glad to have the person back that she is.



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thanks and i guess i know that i shouldnt feel bad, but deep down inside i cant help but to feel like that, and i dont know how to get over that. also i should probly clear somthing up....shes not a * * * * and went out and got preg she was at a party and had a lil toooooo much to drink and someone took advantage of that, well in some peoples minds i guess they would consider that a * * * * but yea....

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I do know what you mean my ex gf (now bestfriend) was preg and we had a fight she ran out on the road and got hit by a car and lost the baby, everyday and night i still blame myself, but yes it might of been my fault but what can i change about that its be and done, she knows im very sorry and she doesnt blame me at all, but i cant change the past, all i can do now is be there and care for her

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