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is it so wrong? why?

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would it be such a bad thing if i died? I mean i am unhappy, i hate my life, i make other people miserable, and im going nowhere fast in life. the way i see it death is the absolute neutral and life is the process of leaving neutral. I have been worse than neutral, teetering on the bad side since i was 7 and ive been steadily declining. no wouldnt going back to neutral be a sensible idea? i need guidance, is what im considering so wrong? and why?


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Seeking counseling would be very helpful, maybe you're having problem dealing with proper ways to stress. That does happened quite often, that's what it's meant by having a life, you need challenges all the time, otherwise you would find yourself getting bore living in a fairy tale story. As much as you feel it would be better ending your life, it isn't, you'll wish all what's left to be, still more to be learn in life, history never stops.

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You gotta understands many things will suck in life, lots of things I'm so angry about and uncomfortable with, but doesn't mean I'm gonna end it right there. You're right now at a somewhat difficult age, where you're still figuring out new stuff in life and yet have to learn more. Try thinking baout what you wanna do after you graduate and if you're currently not happy with your job you can always change it to something more interesting.


You can always get up when you fall on the ground and walk with a smile. Life is right now challenging you about how much you can handle it's demand and seeing if you can get easily defeated. But see the higher the demand and the harder the challenges are the better, it makes you a stronger person.

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as i said above i am not graduating it isnt possible, and im aware this is a typical age for depression but i have been depressed to the point of considering suicide since i was 7 so its not the age im at


and to save anyone some trouble therapy is not going to happpen either. it doesnt work for me

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It matters what you think, you're old enough to decide. If you wanna be in the military, then you're free to go, you don't have to follow by what he says about it.


it does if i dont want to live in my car and i dont particularly care for the military, i just dont like the idea of fighting with people i have no problem with personally

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Well, you gotta do what you gotta do as far as your life is concerned. It seems with the last post about your Dad kicking you out, that you've been living your life for others instead of yourself.


Let's say that you DID want to join the Military...let your Dad kick you out, you'd be able to support yourself with the Military anyway. I know you're not into that, but I am just making a point.


I think it's time for you to stop focusing on others, and focus on yourself. All this extra stress put on you by others is crazy. Let me know if I'm wrong, but it's just the impression that I get.



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That's a big stereotype. You can get a job in the rear with the gear. Not everybody in the military is a baby killer, in fact none are but I won't go into that! You can get a job working with computers or as a mechanic or a million other things. Those have as much to do with combat as baking a cake. It will make you a man, give you a purpose in life, as well as a paycheck. You don't need a diploma for it either.

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That's a big stereotype. You can get a job in the rear with the gear. Not everybody in the military is a baby killer, in fact none are but I won't go into that! You can get a job working with computers or as a mechanic or a million other things. Those have as much to do with combat as baking a cake. It will make you a man, give you a purpose in life, as well as a paycheck. You don't need a diploma for it either.


im aware that is a stereotype, thats why i used the term "fighting" instead of "killing" my sis is in the military so i know all about that stuff, but thank you ill keep it in mind

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No no, he said "i just dont like the idea of fighting with people i have no problem with, personally". I was just making a point that very few people actually "fight" and it's very misguided when people think you will die if you enlist. Most of the jobs are support, like working with computers, mechanics, chaplains, administration. I guess my advice is lost on someone that doesn't want to do it.


What do you want to do with your life?

Have you thought of getting a GED?

There are ways to overcome what you are going through. I moved out at your age, with a job hat didn't pay much. It's not so bad.

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im not concerned with turning into a dictator or anything like that i just dont like the whole concept of the military. as for leaving my dads house, id have to move leaving me with no job, therfore no income. its a big chain i could try to transfer but my pay would drop down to 7.75 again and id have to work it back up which would take 4 years, plus there is no gaurantee id be able to get full time plus id have to join a different union with another 600 dollar initiation fee . ive thought about leaving believe me lol

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