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How many of us have them,lol.


My ex and I have been broken up for exactly two weeks (this hour to be exact). In that time I've been talking to a lot of friends, getting a lot of advice, etc. Although they have been great with getting me through this, whenever I sit and think about the situation, deciphering the input from my friends is about as hard as trying to think about the relationship with my girlfriend.


How much stock do you put into what your friends say?

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How much stock do you put into what your friends say?


That's a really good question. Unfortunately your friends have a vested interest (your happiness) so it is likely that thy will skew their advice or be selective in what they say to you. Their support is invaluable but I'm not sure you should take all their comments at face value because as I say, they have a vested interest.


I think that is one of the reasons forums such as eNotalone are so valuable. The feedback you get is not emotionally attached to situation (in most cases anyway).

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For example, I've been in NC for two weeks. Because she hasn't called, some of my friends have called her just about every name in the book. Others have taken the complete opposite stance and said that she'll call when she gets ready. That type of stuff is difficult to sort through, leaving me with wanting to sort through this on my own and let time take its course.

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So she has broken up with you and hasn't called? In that case I don't know why anyone would be putting the boots into her, that is how she is coping with the break up.


She may call when she is ready, she may never call. Without knowing teh circumstances it is hard to give advice but you know her better than anyone so on those sort of judgement calls I would not be taking too much notice of your friends predictions.

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