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Is this weird, or is it just me?

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I found out that my ex girlfriend was getting married a couple of months ago. Not a big deal, I moved on a long time ago, and haven't thought about her. I have been better off without her and found someone better than she could ever hope to be.


She contacted my sister, and said she had old pictures of me and my family, and that she wanted to return them (along with the note, she also included an engagement picture to my sister of her and her fiance).


Ironically, she contacted my sister within 3 days of her getting married. I found it odd that someone from 3 years ago, within days of getting married, all of a sudden decides to return pictures to my sister.


My sister was a little slow in responding to her emails, so yesterday there was an envelope in my mailbox that had been dropped off (the mail had already come that day, thats how I know it was personally dropped off)


I have no feelings whatsoever for my ex, but I wonder why she would go through all that trouble to return these pictures after three years, contact my sister within a days or so of getting married, and then personally dropping them off at my house.......it just seems a little weird to me. Any thoughts?

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I told her to stop contacting me within a few months of us breaking up, because I don't believe in having contact with ex's, and because I had moved on.


No, she wasn't really friends with my sister, they didn't really know each other, but they liked each other. Kind of like friendly acquaintances.

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I think it is one of two things:


1) She isn't happy in the situation she is in at the moment, isn't happy with the partner that she is about to marry, also she is probably seeking whether you will break your morales to see if you still have any interest in her. This is the best way of doing it without making any contact through yourself.


2) She wants to start a fresh life, with her new husband. In the process wants to get rid of any photographs or objects which will remind her of past relationships or partners.


It really is difficult to see where she is coming from right now.




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That's not weird at all. Especially if you two were together a long time or at one point cared for each other.


ALL, and i mean ALL, of my female friends who have gotten married found themselves thinking of ex-boyfriends as their wedding day came along.


Marriage is a big deal. Tends to get people thinking about their lives. Doesn't mean anything really; other than she is preparing for her life as a married woman.


Wish her a wonderful marriage, and take care.

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I was really weirded out when I saw that she had dropped them off.


Because I know her, and remember what a spiteful, hateful human being she was, it is hard to fathom her wanting to do the right thing by giving those pictures back...but, people can change....


Like I said I find it really odd that she waits a few days before getting married to contact my sister about pictures that she has had for 3 years.


I guess you guys are right, I suppose that she is just wanting to get those pictures out of the way so she can start a new life with her husband.

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