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how do you know if it's going to hurt?

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Almost everytime after I decided to leave a relationship, I felt hurt, even though I felt the relationship was just really plain or more like roomate living together. After a fight with my bf about his colorful sexual past, which happened a week ago, I started to think if I want to continue with him or not. Now the matter is beyond his past, I am reviewing all the moments I spent with him. The conclusion is I felt peaceful 80% of time, upset 20% of time, but not feeing close enough as most couples do happened 100% of the time. He is one of those guys who try to be a bad *** and not like to talk about feelings. So what would you do if you were me? BTW, we haven't talked since last week's fight.

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I've read some of your others posts- if this is the same BF who has a bad temper, made an insensitive comments to you about eating chinese food, makes you feel like you're in a "cold war" in your own home, and whose e-mail you are compelled to check because you don't trust him,- then maybe it is indeed time to call it quits- or at the very least, make some major changes. Though both parties have to mutually want those changes and be open and willing to work on it.


Communication is one of the most important aspects in any relationship. If the 2 of you can't work on that together- then this relationship may cause you more trouble than it's worth.




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I agree with BellaDonna. If it is the same boyfriend, then he's a jerk. And I would say that you should get rid of him because you deserve better.


The question is, if things were to always stay the way they are, would you be happy?


I think you need to talk to him. Not talking for a week will not resolve anything. You need to tell him what you are feeling.

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