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I am slowly but surely working out all the questions that keep coming up, and sorting out my life that I wasted for 2 years with an abusive ex.


I know many of you will say "I told you to do so long ago" when I say this, but I thought things would be different if I waited till i changed my number.


Ive done everything I can, besides changing my cell number, to block my ex from reaching me. Last night, I was thinking of him while I was in bed, and he texd me, once saying, "u there," and the second time, "miss you."


I was such an idiot, and texd back I was thinking about him too, and asked him what he was doing for the 4th. I had 2 glasses of wine earlier, so I wasn't thinking clearly, and he didn't even end up texting me back! He has hurt me so much, and I feel afraid to do this last step, I don't know why.


Would changing my cell number this late be of any use? He probably is with a new girl already, and just got lonely, who knows. All I know is it made me hurt last night when I saw his text, responded, only to hear nothing.


Do you think he may just leave me alone now, or would changing my number once and for all be the best thing to do?


Sorry if I sound so repetitive, I just hate when I have these setbacks when Im doing so well.

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I would change my number. Once and for all you can be rid of him, and won't have to ever worry about him contacting you again. If it makes you feel better, you can tell yourself he probably did try to contact you, but HE was the one denied. The ball would forever be in your court, you would be in control.


I know that feeling, when you constantly wonder about them, wonder if they'll call you, try to tell you they've changed. Just change it, you're in control.


Now if I would only take that advice.


Hang in there.

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Would changing my cell number this late be of any use?


Of course babe, that's why these setbacks are creeping up on you. Any time there is contact of any sort, you will not heal.


You're doing great Rach, just give yourself a break but remember not to contact him anymore. He is holding you back with his constant reminders that he is 'still around.'

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I did it! I changed my number, blocked him from my email, so he has no choice but to give up.


It hurts, but I know this is a huge step in my healing. He would text, and then not respond back if I said anything. He would drive me crazy with I miss you, what are you doing, and when I would respond, SILENCE.... What a jerk!


Good riddance, and it will be much easier to stay strong and no longer care what he is doing with his new date/s


Thank you all so much for the support!

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