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A 'comical' first-kiss on a date?

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One of the PRIMING date lines on a first date is to ask about her first kiss? This could make the date laugh as she recalls her first 'kiss' experience (it worked on my last date). But, when she asks me about my first kiss I'm like 'duh, I've never kissed before.'


I've thought of a come-back line for future dates. On PRIMING dates, according to "How to Succeed with Women" book, you are supposed to WHISPER on your first date when the mood is right or opportunity. Now, I have found it as follows:


When she asks you on your first date, how was your first kiss like - you reply, "It's a secret, I have whisper to you .." start whispering so her face comes closer to yours, and say (in my case it's true, but I'm thinking of making it generic for all first dates), "To be brutally honest, I have never kissed anyone before, but, you know what? As they say, there is always a first time for everything. (If you can KISS her on her lips very fast). And then scream out, I had an AMAZING first kiss, does that answer your question? he he he.


This is a 'reconstruct' on the last PRIMING date that sort of tanked when I was asked that question and I replied that "I've never kissed anyone before", she asked me "if that bothered me", and I replied "duh, I try not to think about it."


Well I think this is a cool reconstruct - but it's also based on the fact of lip-kissing and comic moments as opposed to romantic ones. Would that be funny to kiss someone within a script like that?

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i can understand why a guy might want to prepare this way for a date but i would encourage you to just wing it. your posts reflect a very good personality and i don't think you'll need to borrow anyone else's ideas. besides, wouldn't you want your first kiss with someone to be romantic, spontaneous and just a little bit longer?

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I don't think I would like it very much for someone to follow a script in order to kiss me. It have the feeling I would know that it was "forced" and I assume the whole situation would only seem unatural. I can see why you would be nervous about your first kiss but I really think you should just go with the flow. All those tips and tricks that books give you can be great but they leave out a very important detail. Attraction. If that attraction isn't there the idea's aren't going to work. And if it is there.. You probably won't need them. Don't worry. Like slightlybent said.. Wing it!

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haha I was actually just reminsicing of my first kiss, it was very comical...we werent official going out yet and I was driving around with a friend when I picked her and a friend up after the bar...so I'm dropping her off and shes in the back seat leaning when she comes rushing back in, bangs her head against mine and kiss's my cheek haha fun times

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I see there is some confusion about scripted dates, and I can totally understand that. I'm just asking people to detach from the idea and imagine that it's the first time you are seeing me, and you do not know if I'm scripting or not.


The last PRIMING date was scripted (15 minutes of it), and she was enjoying it, she had a good-time, and didn't know I scripted questions - but I didn't have a counter-answer when she threw the questions back at me.


I just thought of a counter-answer - but I was wondering if it's possible that a kiss could be funny - a lip-kiss, as opposed to romantic? Would you be amused if someone did that to you AND YOU DID NOT KNOW IT WAS SCRITPED? For women, it's difficult to answer, because I've already disclosed I'm scripting you - something that I dont tell my dates unless I want to torpedo them. If you didn't know, you'd think it was spontanious?


I do not have a personality that can support a date on its own without some assistance. I've had a personal Fareighneight 9/11 experience where script lines are now going to be the norm as far as interactions with women in flirting and some priming dates are concerned.

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