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hello, i posted a while ago asking how to get things to work with a shy girl. Well we allways only spoke online, though we know each other from school. i really like this girl. i have to take a math test in august and i asked her to help me and she hapily agreed to come over and help, i really do need the math help but i also would like to let her know im interested in her. how do i take a step in the right direction when she comes. what are some things i should do or say?



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Hi there,


Good to see you're really interested in a girl to the point you're coming on here to figure out how exactly to handle her shyness. I don't know alot about the relationship you have with her now (long term friendship? school acquaintances?) so i'll assume she's just a moderate friend. I would just ask her over and try to be yourself around her. Try to chat her up, try to pry some "spunk" from her. I found a great way to get a girl to loosen up a bit to you is to tell her, "i bet you have a nice smile"... 99% of women will smile back, and the other 1% you don't want anyway!


Above all you need to be confident in yourself as well. I've found that confidence is the key to everything with women, and it's something virtually everyone deals with. You have to convey the image that you are trying to gauge whether or not she's good enough for you! By this I don't mean be a jerk, I just mean you need to (in your own way) show her that you are a very confident man...sometimes it takes a guy who's centered and confident in himself to open up a shy girl!!


That's my two cents.



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Wasup OakleyFire.


Its good that she is coming to your place. Thats an improvement already. I dont know how shy is she, but be careful with flurting too much , she may get evem more shy, and you dont want that. Dont prepare yourself too much. She may notice that and think that you dont want her help and only want her. She may get upset with that. She may think that you called her for a "date" in your house, and it was an MATH was an excuse for that.


Now! This is where you need to operate. When you would sit together, and she would expalin you stuff. Look at her carefuly. Hands , eyes , legs. if she is moving them very rapidly, that means that she is filling that you are there and her blood is pumping up. Thats good, that means that she likes you. If she is sitting and explaining it like a teacher without any movment.


When you would start do something in the notebook, with your side sight look if she is looking at you and your hair, your hole body. Thats good. If she is getting up and went to look what kind of shoes you have in your room, or what kind of books you read. Forget about it.....


She may fill more comfortable when you both are alone and her shyness would disappear. It may happen too. Here you can flirt with her , but still not too much. She may fill that you want to have sex with here here and thats it.


After you finish the math , look what she would do. If she would grab her stuff in second, and would say "I hope i helped you, Bye..." ~ Forget about her.


If after finishing math, she would stay to sit and look around and smile a little [very little] and nod with her head up and down. That mean that now you need to talk with her about stuff that is not related to school or studies. Ask her how was her weekend, ask if she is doing something over the weekend , and would she be intrested to go for a movie.


If she says "I need to finish my Biology work, the English essay...." That mean that she is not even notice that you want to go out with her.


If she says "I dont know......." and nod with her head up and down, that mean that she is surprised that you asked.


If she says "Cool , sounds good..." *Chichin* *Chichin*. Thats what you need.


To make a story short [wont harm me to do] look if she is the "Real" one , and look if she is intrested in you.


Because once a girl called me and told me she need my math help, I can tell you that she laughted all the time looked at me like i'm 24k boy. But didnt notice the math stuff at all, so I dont know if you would be like that with her....

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