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first official day of NC and I randomly see her

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So today was my first official day of NC and what happens? I see my ex. I was driving down the road and as I stopped at a stop light I hear honking, a whole lot of honking, this goes on for a good 30 seconds and I have no idea what is going on. As the light turns green I hear my name and there she is, the girl that dumped me. We ended on good terms and everything, but for someone that doesn't want to be with me, she sure was enthusiastic to see me. I wouldn't even have that reaction if I saw one of my best friends driving along side me on the road, and its not like its been a while since we have seen each other, its been 2 days. Mixed signals much? I gave a lackluster wave and drove off, glad that I am done with that part of my life. I can't wait till its been one month, two months, three months since I have seen or talked to her, time seems to go so slow right now.

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aww man that sucks. I one time saw this girl that I was hurting over all day while driving past a max on the free way. I looked over as the train was pacing with the car I was in and she was right in the window talking to her friend. It hurt a lot, but yea, hopefully that was meant to happen, like the last time you see each other is best that way. You can have peace knowing she was the one that wanted your attention, and then she can remember you driving off forever.


Stay up, things get better months by month.

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