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need help asap

oh yeah

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so i think im pregnant... im on the pill, but my bf did cum in me. im now, 2 weeks later, spotting and my stomach just aches 24/7. two questions...

1. its pretty likly im pregnant right?

2. is there nayway to make these pains in my stomsch go away... i mean i wake up in the middle of the night. they r killing me. (its more my lower stomach).


thank you.

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I dont' think you can count pain as an early pregnancy symptom.


First of all, are you already late? If not, wait until you are (if you are) and take a pregnancy test. Don't get your mind overworking on that issue, it won't help, and only a pregnancy test will tell you for sure.


As for the pain, well, go to your doctor. You may have a different kind of problem, maybe gastritis or even inflamation of the colon, that often manifests with a strong pain in the lower region of the abdomen (and feels in front of your body, not in the back, dunno why).

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i havent missed it yet, but im worried about the spotting combined with the pain. i looked up google and it said spotting was the first sign, 6-12 days after conception so im really worried.


still, any ideas on how to make the pain go away?

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Agree with Susser. Pain in your stomach is not usually a pregnancy symptom, especially not this early. If they are cramps after all, that would be uterine contractions which would not be good for a pregnancy to remain. If you are on the pill, and taking it properly, even if your boyfriend DID ejaculate in you, your risk is still reasonably low.


Are you late for your period? If yes, take a pregnancy test. If not, wait until you are and then take one (if you are late). The only way to be sure is to take a test. Not every "symptom" is indicative of pregnancy, many women don't get symptoms early on, as the hormones are not building enough yet to cause them. However, when you worry you are, it sure seems like every symptom possible is a sign!


I would suggest this pain may also be a sign of something else - like a bladder infection, pelvic infection, an STI and so forth.


Spotting can also indicate many things OTHER than pregnancy. Very few women get spotting (implantation spotting) when they are pregnant. It can indicate a change to your cycle, or an infection however. So I would say you better get to the doctor ASAP.

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I seriously doubt you are pregnant but I suppose there is like a .1% chance with birth control pills. I wouldn't worry about being pregnant (personally, I'm on the pill and me and my serious boyfriend never use condoms anymore). However, if you have pain that is keeping you up at night you should see a doctor.

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Hi Oh Yeah,


Have you two been tested for all the STI's out there?


Probably a good idea before you continue to have unprotected sex, if you haven't already. Many STI's have no outward symptoms, but can cause infertility before they are even detected. Many people who have STI's aren't even aware that they have them.... meanwhile they are doing their silent damage.


Just want to make sure you and your boyfriend are educated, and know how to protect yourselves properly.

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im nto completely educated on STI's but we are eachothers firsts, so wouldnt that keep us clean from STI's? or no? sorry i feel like an idiot...


Not necessarily. STI's can also be spread by 'intimate contact' (touching or rubbing of private parts, oral sex, sharing of sex toys, and skin-to-skin contact -warts, herpes and others can be spread this way.)


Have either of you had any experiences with other partners before, even if it was not sex?

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If that is all you have done with other partners, it is not likely that you have contracted an STI, but herpes ( a different strain of the virus, known as Type 1) can be transmitted via kissing, sharing cups or utensils, or touching an unaffected area directly after touching a herpes lesion, and can spread to the genital area with oral genital contact later.


Here is some information about that:


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Here is some general information about the most common STI's:


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It's good to take a minute, read up, and keep yourself informed.


Also, if you are concerned with pregnancy, although the pill is pretty reliable if taken as directed, there is room for error so it is a good idea to use a condom if you are not ready to be a parent.


Good luck!

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Did you miss any pills? when you start to spot sometimes it is a change in the hormones that are fooling your body into thinking it is already pregnant that is what the pill does it makes you think you are already pregnant by the hormones you produce. A trip to the doctor is a great idea everyone here is so right it could be something none of us have even thought of or just nothing at all. People get pains, girls sometimes spot. Sometimes you have your period when you shouldn't, maybe the pill your on isn't strong enough or is to strong. So many options and only your doctor and you know you will enough to make that decision.

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i havent missed ay pills but i normally take them at night and i have forgotten a few times and just taken them in the morning...


I used to take my birth control pills in the morning when I got up. One night I went to my cousin's and had sex while I was out that night and didn't take the pill the next morning because I had forgotten to take them. Here I am now, 24 weeks pregnant.


Wait until you're late and take a test. It's the only way to know for sure. Or go to the doctor.

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