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Embarassing question, but bare with me

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I don't know why or how I found myself asking this, but it has been bugging me.


Lately, whenever I go #2 in the bathroom, I always use enough tissue paper, but not long after that, I always get sore down there for some reason. Could it be the brand of tissue paper?

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maybe you`re just being too rough down there. also if you eat junk type foods that cause you to eliminate too much that can make you sore and ofcourse you`ll have to clean yourself more which can make it worse still. in any case i recommend moistened wipes. kleenex puts them out. they`re like baby wipes , but for adults.

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Could be the brand of tissue paper. But, I doubt it.


It sounds like you are not getting enough fiber in your diet, which is common among a lot of people. Fiber is the roughage that human bodies lack the enzyme to digest, so that when fiber moves through our GI tract it causes the large intestines to contract and move the crap through. If you are not getting enough fiber in your diet (i.e., consuming enough vegetables and fruits) your large intestine is not contracting as much and the boluses are larger, causing your anus to have to expand more, hence the soreness. I would bet that sometimes you also have bleeding. You don't have to share that, though.

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Yep, could be the type of paper you are using. Or maybe being a little to vigorous with the wiping.


Trying those baby wipes or cleaning wipes might help the cleaning and sooth the tissue as well. You can usually find those adult cleaning wipes right by where the bathroom tissue is located in the store.


Agree too that the Prep H, could help with the soothing factor even if no hemorrhoid present.

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Do you strain alot when you move your bowels?


Is your stool hard?


It could be that you don't have enough fiber in your diet, or that you are straining too much and giving yourself hemorrhoids.


Baby wipes (they actually make toileting wipes for adults now


Are gentler on your skin and may be less painful. You can also buy wipes saturated with Witch Hazel (Tucks) or make them yourself by buying the separate ingredients, these might help sooth any irritation as well.

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