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not a big problem but odd

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hello, my bf and i got into a huge fight over this past weekend. he has a work cell phone that has another guys voice on the voice mail, it's been that way for 2 years and he doesn't know the code to retrieve messages. after the big fight we had i tried to call him to talk things out and found out that he has changed his voice mail to his own name. i don't know what to think of it but just find it all odd.

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What your saying is that he has after 2 year worked out how to use is phone, thats not odd, thats just him being man. I would say he know how to do it all along but was like me to lasy to do it. Hes finally got around to calling the IT dep and asking them how its done.


Not odd in my book and I dont think conected.


Hope my words help

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