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Okay, well here's the situation. There is this girl. She's pretty as anything and I like her. We flirt all the time. I don't even know if she likes me, but all the signals I've been getting in the past weeks, it seems as if she does. I want to get with her so badly, but theres a problem with doing so. Her ex boyfriend. She might like him but I'm not too sure. She goes to his house alot, so maybe she does? But her ex was a terrible person. He hit her a couple of times, and he smokes and drinks. All of our friends tell her to just get over him and that hes not good enough for her. I believe that. Dont call me a bad guy for wanting this... but is there a possible way I could get rid of him? I'm not a bad person, I just don't want them to get together and her get hurt. I dont want to say directly to her face that she should stop seeing him becuase I dont want them to see each other. So what should I do?

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idk heres my idea...im not a jerk but....sounds childish but could work..


1. instant message the ex with a pretend girl sn...and ask if he likes the girl u like


2. if he doesnt..tell him to stop flirting with her becasue u want him


3. if he does like her...hmm idk make that part up urself lol

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Ok, please don't do what that last post said. That is a bad idea, plus you just may feel guilty about it after. My best advice to you is to start hanging out with her, and if you already do, maybe more. You need to show her what it feels like to be in a good relationship, and that doesn't necessarily mean you have to be "going out" to do that. The title of boyfriend and girlfriend is, in this case, something you should slowly work towards. So go on dates and show her what a great guy you are. It might take a little while, but she will only appreciate you more for it. and hopefully she'll see how awful her ex treated her and cut their ties. I'm not going to get in to detail, but I am talking from experience, so you can trust me. Best of luck!

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i don't think she will be ready for a relationship with you at this moment.


The way she is going about it i really don't think she will be over her ex pretty soon.


Take a mature decision, at the moment though she can't offer you more than friendship with the ex lingerrin around.


better move on before its too late.

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