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dating a friend?

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i want to start seeing one of my friends romantically.

we havent really been in contact for the past year, but recently we've been calling each other.

he has a busy job working as a volunteer for the fire department.

but i need to figure out a way to get closer to him since hes always busy!!

what can i do????


he tells me he wants to hang out and stuff. but since i just got out of a relationship im not good with the flirting and all that stuff with other guys.

i dont wana make any mistakes to push him away.. like calling to much and ect.

i sent him a text before to see if he had any plans for the night.. but if he says hes not busy i dont know what we should do!!

any advice to not to bomb our friendship and maybe get closer??

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well all i can say is that if you want to take it, go for it. don't let a good oppurtunity go by. you have a tough decision to make...is your friendship more important to you or your relationship...


if you want to get into a relationship, you should know, well before hand...that you are taking a risk...a risk to lose a friendship..and of course, taking a risk to gain a relationship...its ur choice chica.


"The risks we take are us."



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