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Emotional Pregnant Woman - Help!


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I'm now 7 months pregnant and have had an on/off relationship with my ex since 1992. I won't bore you all with the schematics of this relationship but we have two beautiful children (8 and 11) and now one on the way. We are not together now and this is the first time I'm going through this alone. At the onset of the pregnancy he was supportive, I really thought he was coming back and btw I didn't try to trap him to come home bc failed.


At times, I can deal with this fine. I can feel life within me and can't wait to see the baby and welcome her into the world. But, recently I've had a surge of emotions because he's not around and I'm truly alone in this. My family is distant in both vicinity and relationship. My close friends have all moved out of state. My children are great and supportive. Can anyone lend any advice on how to try to kick these blues when they come? I try my best not to think about being alone though labor and afterwards and how I'm going to handle these responsibilities. It's easier with one or two, but three?? I'm likely to be alone for quite some time so if anyone has any good advice or even a support group, I'd love to hear from you.


Thank you all for taking the time to read this. I do appreciate it.

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There were 7 years between my first and my youngest. Im pregnant again now. Im sure its going to be a much different experiance because these two will be two years apart. Your older children can be a big help to you. At 8 and 11 they can help with housechores and watch the baby for a minute while you do your business in the bathroom or cook supper. You will get through this.

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We are here to support you and be there for you on an emotional basis. Your situation is definitely difficult, but have you tried joining single moms in your area, so that you have a support group to help you out. Try to keep yourself busy. Remember this, your children are the shining light at the end of the tunnel, they love you for all that you are, unconditionally, they are a gift to you, there is nothing more beautiful than a pregnant woman, who is going to give birth to a loving child. Your children will always take care of you, when you age, they will hold your hand, and when you are elderly, they will be your caretakers. I think you have the greatest gifts anyone could ask for.


Just out of curiosity: For your BC to fail, did you miss a pill or take 1 late. I am on a progesterone-only mini-pill and I am scared of it failing because it's not as effective as the combo pill, so I am just curious if you don't mind me asking.

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I think it's just hard now because I feel life moving around (alot!) and there's no one to share that with, plus I'm large now. In the end, I will be ok -- I do know that but it's difficult to get through some days. The kids are great and they will be a big help, they're happy about it. The days when they are with their dad is even harder for me. I'm not sure what's around the area in terms of support (TB) stands for Tampa Bay. I'll try searching.


It gets very lonely at times and sometimes when I try to preoccupy my mind, it just doesn't work. I've been told I'm the extreme optimist normally so when people see me, I smile and don't let this go but at home I've started to become a mess with the tears. This was a bad week. I hadn't thrown up in a while and yesterday I did. I guess the reality of the situation is harder to deal with. The good thing is I'm only 2 mos. away and I'll be so sleep deprived I won't have time for thinking about it. Perhaps, had I not had my first two with him around I wouldn't feel this way. Who knows???


BC: In reference to the BC, yes, I'd messed up earlier in my cycle, not then. Also, for years he had always pulled out (sorry to get graphic) and he didn't then. The combination together is why we're here today. I look at this little miracle as something that was meant to be.



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Well, he came over early today. We didn't say much to each other and he cleared out some of the garage. I didn't pay him much mind because I knew if I looked at him my tears would stream down my face, darn hormones.


He ate lunch after the cleaning and left without saying a word of good bye. He just told the kids to lock the front door (I was in my room). Needless to say, I'm still on/off crying all the time, won't let him see it and taking my GTT test tomorrow to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes. I have to drop the kids off to him to take to the day care because I have to be at the lab before day care opens, this time he actually answered his cell phone and he was out having himself a dandy old time. This makes me want to just throw up now that I'm 7 mos. pregnant.


Sorry to whine on the boards but I feel so pathetic and normally can handle things a lot better than this.


(Oh the cleaning of the garage is related to changing it into a nursery for the baby of which he states he would help me with but that's the only contact we have.) Except for last week when our son had a birthday and he was here for Father's Day, we were together and it was nice but I kinow it was just the one time thing. I feel so foolish.

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TBAngel, from one advancedly pregnant and emotional mama to another, you're not alone sweetheart.


Like you I feel alone, fat, fed-up and unable to cope this time around, mainly because I discovered my husband was emotionally involved with someone else, but I feel alone none-the-less (even though we are working through it!)


A new life is a beautiful miracle and yes was meant to be. I'm in the UK, so I can't offer you physical support, but emotionally I'm here if needed.


Take care babe.

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