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Our Love Too Passionate To Be? LOOONG Story!!


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This is my first post on this forum- I've never really subscribed to a forum like this before. My relationship with my girl friend of almost 4 months is currently in limbo. I guess it's all my fault.


When me and my girl met, we were at a going away party at a hotel for my best friend in the military. We had seen each other back in high school- but never actually met. The whole night we flirted back and forth. We kinda hit it off. Later in the night, we had gone to the store to get some food. We picked up some whip cream along with a movie and some other food. (the whip cream was for the dessert ) But we all know what we BOTH had in mind with that whipped cream. To be honest, I really didn't even see it coming. I wanted it to, but I didn't think it would. So we're on our way back to the hotel. Still flirting, still wondering if the other person would go for us. We started out with just spraying each other with the whipped cream kinda flirtin around on our way back from the store. We fed it to each other, and kissed each others lips with it. On the way up the stairs, I nailed er! We both had whipped cream all over us. So naturally- when we got back in the hotel room, she wanted to clean it off. She went into the bathroom to do whatever she had to do, and I waited. Then I went into the bathroom with her. I had to help her clean up, I felt bad. 8) The clothes slowly came off, and we gently cleaned each other off with a wet rad. We kissed. I kissed her in little places I thought she'd get turned on. Next thing ya know- we were making love. Her hand was pressed up against the mirror of the slightly steamy hotel bathroom. The sex was so passionate! Not your typical 15 minute, let me get off cause I'm horny real quick, type of thing. I felt a strong connection with her. I really liked her. At NO time during the night, did I EVER say/think- "oh yeah this is a good piece of ass for the night". I wanted more then that. I wanted to see her more. Problem was, she was in the middle of a break up with her boyfriend. They eventually broke it off, because of her own reasoning, but some of it had to do with me. She wanted to be with me. Don't get her wrong- this was a guy she's been with for a while, not just a fling. So we "saw each other" for a while. Did our own thing, and kinda did the "together" thing too.



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Thanks for readin, any advice/thoughts are very appreciated!



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It sounds like you have been really controling I have been in similar situations to you. It's hard to ever be happy with someone you can not trust. I dont blame you for not trusting her totaly either but you werent going out when she slept with that guy Allen. Now if some hot chick came up to you the same night and was totaly all over you can you say that you would have turned her down. I would guess no cause after all you were not going out. It also sounds like she knows how much you hate the bull that she puts you through but she does it on purpose. I think you might be alittle to attached to her, I mean you made a website all about you and her. I know its easy to say but as an outsider looking in I would say walk away man you will just cause yourself more hurt trying to make this work cause it will never ever be the way that you want it be. Now if only I could take my own advice good luck

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Wow....some one actually read the whole thing. Thanks!


Controlling- yeah maybe a little. Its not like I said "you can or cant do this or that", but yeah, maybe.


Yes- I realize that I wasn't going out with her, when she slept with him. But jeez...couldn't she have had some decentsy?? I was a week after she slept with me, and between that whole time- we were "seeing" each other. And as far as some hot chick coming up to me: I can HONESTLY say I would have turned her down. (Please don't think I'm a liar here- I have nobody to impress or lie to on this board, I know NOBODY ) I usually don't go around having one night stands, so that night of having sex with her actually DID mean something to me.


I've been in a few relationships. I've never cheated on anyone. Some may call what she did cheating, some not. It really doesn't matter. What's done is done.


About the Bull she puts me through and knowingly doing it: You're the second person to have made that comment to me. Makes me wonder.....I never thought of it that way.


There were a couple other details I figured I'd leave out of that story. I didn't wanna right a boring book. For the last 2 months, she's been pratically living with me. We've grown very attatched (at least I did ) to each other. We've had some serious talks about our furture together as well. The website was both of our idea, and was originally started just to be a picture gallery for us. Yeah- I'm definatley attatched.


I guess I'm just going to let things settle for a week. Give her, her space. I don't know if that's a good idea or not, but we'll see. I'm dying to see her though.......


Thanks Again-



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Ok- so we're both weak. She IMed me yesterday morning and we talked a little. At first it was a little rough, because she was upset about some of the stuff I said in the story, and I guess I kinda made her out to look like a REALLY bad person. When in reality, she isn't. (obviously- or I wouldn't have bothered to go through all this) But we talked, and agreed to get together and work some more things out.


We went out to dinner in the city (we love the city) and had a REAL good and long conversation. We made an agreement to for me to work on not being so jealous, but at the same time- for her to take my feelings into consideration. She realizes how it makes me feel, especially since our problem in the past (allen) is what always ends up being the reasoning of our fight. It always leads back to that. But I have to kinda let it go. If I don't- we will never have a stable relationship.


We know things will not be PERFECT. I don't think any relationship is. But at least when we fight, it wont be as bad and lead into bigger things.


I will keep this thread updated, I always apprecaite everyones input.





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  • 2 months later...

Hey that was really cool to tell her that you went to the forums for help on the situation. How did you break it to her that you did that because i do it all the time in my situations!!! That really shows how much you really care to work things out and not be hard headed. Your situation is fixable and I can see the positives coming out in all of this. Both of you need to work on the time for this work. I can see the love in this through all the pain. but also bro, you need to work on some of that temperament. I don't see her as being bad person at all. There just has been FAILED COMMUNICATION. Thats what I tell as it sums it up. Your story is very interesting and just gives me more insight to keep my feelings in check 24/7/365. Nice website and nice ideas. Keep us posted bro.


"Say what you mean, do what you say"

"Communication is the key to ANY relationship"

"Without trust and commitment a relationship will always fail"

"Never have a hot head into any situation, think before you act"

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