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Thinking about having the snip!!

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For all the men reading this, cross your legs.


My wife is having trouble with the pill and we have tried other things, we both don't like condoms finding they spoil the moment but are using them at the moment.


We don't want any more children and I even if we ever to separated again I don't think I would want kids with anyone else at my age.


So, has anyone had the snip and wants to share what it was like?

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Well my big brother had the snip and he does not regret it. It's a very simple precidure(not sure if I spell that right) anyway I know that for the first few days after the operation you have to put ice on it and it helps if you lay down alot. The pain usually goes away like in a week or so. To this day he has not regreted it ( he had it 3 years ago). It's really a good desicion if you do not want to have anymore kids.

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I know a couple people whom have had it done, it's a pretty simple procedure actually, and it's an outpatient procedure (barring any complications of course). There will be some discomfort after from the incision area (ice will be your best friend!), but the guys I know whom had it done were up and about within a couple days, and after a week or so felt back to normal.


Just make sure you go for your follow up to check sperm count in ejaculate to make sure it worked....the procedure is basically 100% (or near it) but only if it was done right, it's not THAT uncommon that there is still an unplanned pregnancy...so make sure it was done right!


The nice thing is that for people whom do not want more children, you can have it done and be done with it. It does not affect either of your's libido, or hormones or anything like that. It's a good choice for the long term, if she is not interested in using an IUD, etc. And less invasive than her having a tubal ligation.

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I know loads of people who've done it with no problems at all.


'Cept one guy! His wife got pregnant after he had it done and he was sooo mad! Saying it was the Dr's fault.


I said, "you're prolly right! The Dr MAY be the guy she's been seeing!" But it turned out he was a big fat liar. He TOLD his wife he got it but really hadn't cuz he was scared.


He got it after that and they've had no more scares since.....

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I had it done long ago, but it seems like yesterday.


It takes about two minutes for your doc to hit you with an anesthetic,

make a tiny incision in your sack, withdraw the vas deferens and snip the little hoses. You'll feel a tugging sensation in your belly. Then the ends are painlessly cauterized and you're bandaged and ready to go home.


When the painkiller wears off you'll feel like you were kicked in the nuts, but it subsides. After a week or so, you provide the lab with a specimen so they can look for swimmers. When there are none, you're sterile.


I had it done in my mid twenties, and so far it's working well.


P.S. There's normally a bit of bruising in your nether regions that fades in a week or two.

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my husband had it done, he said it was relitively painless, he was up and around 2 days later, the first 2 days he just laid around on the couch, said he wasn't in pain, but didn't want to "chance it". I let him hang out, far be it from me to say anything otherwise.


afaik, he went in, got a shot of anesthesia, got snipped and sewn up, took about 45 minutes, no need to be put to sleep.


He said the most traumatic thing was the prep (aka shaving) but that was worth the end result (aka, no more kids)

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My husband had it done and had the worst possible scenario happen. The simple procedure turned out a short stay in hte hospital because his cords were too thin to find and in knots. They had to rip his sack from top to bottom and dig around to find them. He was off work for a month and 8 months later he has no pain but a crazy left nut. I am a nurse and have ever heard of anything like this before, but leave it to us to have something crazy happen!! Really don't be afraid I have seen lots of them done, but don't think there are no risks. You will have to take a specimen in a 6weeks, 12 weeks and 6 months. So go do it now you still have to use protection until the 6 month sample is sperm free.

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