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I know i've posted about this before but the situations still going on and causing me stress and i'm annoyed and upset!


For those who read my other post, this is about Sarah agen.


I've not spoken to her for a while after the thing that happened for a few reasons, one being that she was being pathetic and another reason is that i've been busy.


Right, well, i logged onto Bebo (kinda like MySpace) and looked at her profile.

She's completely changed it with sly digs in meaning to get at me and my friends like - "i know who my friends are now" and "i love my friends [names here - not ours though!]. And she's removed me from her friends list.


Well, ok, she's annoyed with us for talking about her. Hey, we talk about everyone, we are girls we talk about people ok lol.


I decided to comment her on bebo. Just said hey sorry for not being in touch for a while cos i had been at the hospital a lot visiting my grandad. and that i hoped her work was going ok and she was good and that i was gutted that she couldn't come to prom.


She replied (i was surprised) being very formal saying that work was really good she has made some amazing friends and everything is fab.


So basically, she's hating us lot lol. But yet, she's being all pally pally with the person she HATED a month ago (also the person who sh** stirred about her 2 weeks ago).


How can someone change sooo much in such a short period of time? She was my best friend for 7 years, only a few minor fall outs and now...nothing. Ahh im soo annoyed. Why is she being like this?


Rant over lol.

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She hasn't changed at all...she still cares otherwise she wouldn't be hurt...sometimes its best not to judge your friends so harshly...would it be so terrible if you called her and just talked out your problems with her...maybe even apologize even if your wrong wasn't as great or first?...I only have one rule for all relationships regardless if its work, girlfriend, family, or friend...IF WE CAN COMMUNICATE THERE IS NO PROBLEM...too busy?...5 min it would take to say "Hi, just calling to see if you heard Spinal Tap is reforming."...to be able to communicate there are times both sides must be humble and be willing to admit there mistakes...

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I've tried to get in touch with her though. I phoned her...she didn't answer so I text her inviting her out this friday...no reply. She's not the kind of person you can have an in depth chat to really, once she has an opinion on you or dislikes you, her feelings don't change.


The thing is, she was the one in the wrong really. She lied to our friend saying that we hadn't invited her out when 3 of us did.

The only part I played in this was telling my other friends that she didn't want to come out.


I believe someone has been telling her lies to make her not want to be friends with us. Oh well...people change it's only expected.

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