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Girls please answer

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Well, its kindof hard to generalize that question becuase we all have diffrent likes and dislikes, but i will have to agree with above, personality... Looks can be a factor, but everyone likes someone for their own unique reasons. Its a proven fact that women and men will find someone attractive becuase he/she reminds them of their ex or of someone they used to like... so many little things play big roles in attraction.... sorry if i get a little too descriptive, but thats my views on what makes people attracted to others.. hope you found the answers you were looking for.... dont want to bore you too much...

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Most women just want someone who makes them feel appreciated and valued. They don't need to be told everyday that they are beauty, but just to feel beautiful in the eyes of the person who loves them for who they are. They don't have to agree with you all the time, but accept that you have different opinions and respect those opinions for each other. Support us in our dreams, be there for us on bad days and on good days you are the person making us laugh. All around someone who we can just be ourselves around

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Well girls will first look at a guys personality. How does he treat other girls? Is he a respectful person? Girls also want someone whos honest but still polite. Do you fit any of these? Now well be honest, girls will also look at looks, but it honestly isnt that big of a deal when it comes to getting a boyfriend


hope this helps!



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  • 1 month later...

hmm... its hard to answer this because its full of so many contradictions:


confident but not self absorbed


experienced but not intimidating


daring but not rude


i look for a guy who is confident in himself, willing to put his pride on the line if he needs to, someone who's honest, sincere, fun, daring, athletic, smart in his own way, and happy being who he is....hope i helped



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