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Im 22 and She is 14!!!! Advice Please!!! :-)

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As I said if you carry on you will be and thank you King for being so canded on this matter, what I feel is whats your intent towords this girl, if you have feelings for her which if she was older you would act apon then you to take a big step back and keep away until she is older. The point is if you are to close your contact could be seen as grooming her, even if you do not brake the law with and act its the grooming that could be take as the aim of your acts.


Now we must add to that the fact that having feelings for a child of this kind is ophorent and very bad thing. My feelings on this I think that just having feelings of atration to a child is a sign of a grater problem.


Just think on what your feeling do you honestly feel its right to feel that way towords a child of 14 years?


If you say yes then I really think you need help asap and should go to NC with this child NOW!

Its dos not matter how sweet you put the words its what your thinking thats very wrong.

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Thanks for this I understand. I think my feelings are more feeling sorry for her because she has no one else to turn as she cannot tell her family what happened. I have decided to follow the advice given on this forum very strongly. It has hit me really hard what some people have said with regards to the sexual things, but as I have stated I am NOT that sort of person and strongly oppose any sort of behaviour which forms any part of child sexual abuse. Remember I have also been through this and don't wish to be "named" the same as my attacker. I will meet up with her though to explain everything to her and tell her that its wrong, I will try and persuade her to discuss the issue with her parents or with a Social Worker. But I will remain available on MSN for support when she needs it. Theres nothing stopping this, and I am sorry if this forum offended anyone. I don't really have anyone myself to discuss this problem with and thought it would be good or bad to hear your views.


Thanks Once again!

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