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my insecurities or his?

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Hi everyone, this is my first post on this board.


I've been in a relationship with my current bf for around a year now. We've had some rough times, but we've always managed to pull through. Recently I found out that he had been contacting a former interest of his through online and phone messaging...plus I discovered that he checks up on her webpage every now and then...also, he talked with her about the problems we've been having...even after stating that we would never talk to others about it. He told me that he did this to make her feel jealous.


Why would he do this? Is it because he still has some feelings for her? He said he just wanted revenge for the rough times she put him through...but I'm not sure. It makes me feel really insecure and jealous myself. He also lied about her to me when explaining his past...he says he hid her because of the way I would react. I dont know what to do. Any input would be appreciated. I feel that it will end the relationship for me. Thanks.

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I agree with Caterina in that if he respected your wishes and lived up to what you both agreed on he would not be contacting his ex. It sounds like there is something else there that he is not telling you. Trust your gut. It is probably correct.

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that was a disturbing read...he fits most of those characteristics...


then again, some of them describe me as well...


this is really disheartening...


Sorry, I send this to everyone seeking emotional and relationship advise now.


I tell you a secret. Pssst, it matched me too, albeit I have/am improving myself. Please don't tell anyone


So, about yourself, work on yourself, about your bf, see if he can fix it or cut him loose.


We are always here for you.

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Hehe wow he is a real cassanova isnt he? He pulled the old switcheroo on you. First he do something to hurt you, then he makes you apologize. This is a good game, because most people will feel guilt when the person pulls the switch.


Ahh, never thought of that. CHINOOKA, you think cassanova was a loser?


Have a look at this article: link removed...

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