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Announce or not to announce???

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Here y'all go:


The first one -

The second one -

The last one -


I'm going to see her on Thursday. I have a feeling she's going to tell me that she doesn't want to work it out and that she wants to stay split up.


My question for everyone is this: Should I tell her I'm going NC? Or should I just do it?


I want to ask her one last time if she wants to work it out, tell her one last time that I love her, and then go our separate ways. Tell her that the only way she can contact me is if she realized she made a mistake and wants to give it one more try.


Good idea???

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If you honestly feel that you'd like to give it another chance, then I think it's a good idea to put this out on the table. One last time, though. And if she's not interested, or doesn't know, or is vague, etc., etc., then definitely it's ok to tell her you feel NC is best, because you don't want to fall into the trap of an undefined, vague relationship. And that if at some point, she realizes that she would like to try again, to call you and you two can talk about it - but not to call anymore just to "see how you're doing." You will need for her to respect your need to heal from this relationship.

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Hi Felix,


I believe she broke up with you for the silliest reason. Geez, how old is she? I feel if your foundation in your relationship was strong enough, it would withstand such petty things such as that. I suspect it was an excuse to bail out of the relationship.


I would stick with NC like you have been and no, do not announce you are doing it, just do it. But if you truly feel there is another chance for your two, let her do a lot of the explaining, she broke up with you for a silly reason IMO. I wish you all the luck and take care.

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The biggest problem with announcing NC is that deep down we know that NC is the last thing we really want. It's something that we HAVE TO do. Telling that person that you are not going to contact them and then having them not contact you either is a catch 22.


I say just stop contact with her. If she does try to contact you ignore her. She does not deserve an explanation. She broke your heart and now it is time for you to move on.

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Dont tell her anything she already knows what you want, tell her to do what ever she want. This way you are incontrol now, and she is being left behind. DO NOT SHOW A SIGN OF WEEKNESS!!!!!!!!!! If you do she will mess with you, it's time to kick her to the curb, and make her crawl to YOU, if she dosn't crawl back then she is not worth it anyway. Make sure to be cold, that works the best, there are 3 billion more out there!! remerber that.

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LOL...Not trying to be rude but that last post was just so random after the others.


I do however agree that you should not announce no contact. Whats the point of that? If you say "I think we should do NC, or atleast until the point you want to talk about the relationship", it kind of hints that you'll be waiting around. Fact is she left you for some BS reason and she seems to be freakin selfish as hell.

Stay away from the damn myspace crap. That isnt going to help you in any way.

You have to find that strength mate.. its there trust me, you just have to want it.

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