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recently iv had a very big change of attitude. just want to know what kinda thinga could cause such a change.


for the past few months iv been really interested in this girl she but she was bi and wanted to be with a girl. this got me depressed so much and it was really anoying. then suddenly almost over night it just didnt bother me anymore. im now happy that she has found a relationship she is happy with and am happy to be single and able to do whatever i like.


iv always been very against drugs of any kind and even tell my mum off for smoking 2-3 cigerets a day. but a few days ago i tried weed my self and didnt feel the slightest bit guilty or regret it. it also wouldnt surprise me if i did it again.


im not complaining, like i said im happyer now i just wanna now if there is anything in particular might cause such a sudden change.

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Are you assoicating the attitude change with the weed use...


...one reason why drugs are alluring is because the can change perception...I smoke w--d frequently...just know you have the ability to change your perspective on things and this is a powerful tool...but if it turns into i can't change it w/o the weed then you are going to far...

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no it wasnt the use of weed that changed things.

some of my past posts say how everythign is getting too much i have uni friends family and my house burnt down not long ago. it was all really stressful and it just seems the past 2 weeks none of it erally matters. the situation hasnt changed but it just doesnt really matter that dad is always stress, that all my belongings are gone, that the girl i love is with some one else and all the other things i worried about every day havnt botherd me for the past 2 weeks. and now i dont c trying weed as a big deal either. and i know i was VERY against it only a few weeks ago.


im just curious as to what might have caused the sudden laid back attitude

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A)Either you've had a sort of zen moment where you realize you control nothing in this world and your sort of accepting it has caused an inner peace or B) you are so beaten down that your just numb and can't feel anything, cause you don't care anymore...to starkly different sides...you tell us which it is...my guess is B lead to A...

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