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ok i was dating this guy like a month ago right before my last boyfriend the last time i talked to him was on july 2nd . well, we were doing REALLY good and then this guy imma call him bob and the guy i was dating will be Bill lol..just in case sumone i knows sees this..lol..alright well, i dont know i guess bob was trying to get into my pants which i was not letting him bcuz i was dating bill even tho bob is a total hottie..well, bob and bill were hangin out one night and bill calls me and asks to come over but he doesnt drive and we didnt want him to get stuck at the house bcuz parents would trip and well, bob calls and asks to comeover( i wasnt at my house so i had no say in who comes over) and my friend tells bob he can comeover and bill thinks that i told bob he could comeover and i mean there has been rumors about me n bob sleeping together which didnt happen ..so bill thinks i ask bob to comeover and not him..so he totally flips you know how that goes..well, i never said one more word to him till last night i called cuz i found out what happened cuz i had NO clue why bill stopped calling me and we cleared everythign up and he wqas like you want me to start callin u again...and i was like yeah sure...should i take him back since he believed everyone without coming to the main source ME!?...im so confused

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I've tried reading your post several times and this is how I feel


Who's Bill and who's Bob and are they going to take over the planet soon? I mean, I'd like some warning atleast!? 0X Ha ha ha!


Seriously, take a step back.. Write down the pros and cons of each one and decide whether you'd be better off with either of them xxx

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alright maybe i should make it a lil clearer..im not asking who i should be with im asking if i should take somebody back after they did not trust me about another guy. we have not talked in about a month bcuz sum other guy told him all this stuff that wasnt true. and he didnt come to me about it but i called him last night and worked everything out but i dont know if i should get back with him becuz he did not trust me in the beggining..so what im asking is do you think i should get back with him?

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Right... wellllllll....


Do you care about this person who wants you back? Or did his untrusting nature get on your nerves?


Only you can really decide if you want this boy back.. It depends whether you like the boy you left him for still too...


God I'm confused now!


He he! But seriously, ask yourself why you ended the relationship and decide whether you want to give it another go. If he's still not meeting your needs move on to someone new and better!! G xxx

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Say to him, I will go back out with you.. But on one condition.. Stop listening to what other people are telling you and listen to me!!


Tell him you're not prepared to have a boyfriend who believes what other people say rather than you.


If there are any rumours going around, tell him that they are just that - RUMOURS!


Then tell him to grow up and give him a big snog G xxx

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