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ugh location is tough to find...

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Okay I looked through a couple of past post and they really havn't helped me with this problem... Well my girlfriend and I have been expirementing on eachother for a while now with oral and touching so like do me a favor and tell me one thing. Where the hell is the clit... trust me i been feeling around... and we cant find it and i been goin in her for a while and she likes that... and i reach up while im in and she really likes that is that it? or what... Sorry confused.... Ive googled this... and asked and they gime locations... but i need like keys to finding it and where is it... its kinda frustrating me so i think i would give it a shot and ask here. Please help with this... thanks yal.

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Warning: Post is pretty graphic, that being said:

It's easy to find if you slide your finger *almost* in her, but not quite, just so you're feeling the edge of her vagina, from this point just drag your finger upwards, keep going until you feel where her lips come together and theres regular skin, right *i mean right* below where this is is the clit, if you have your finger under her outer lips if you curl your finger up you should feel it, if not, ask if it feels any better there.

Also, flashlight, vice grips might help

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Clit is easy to find, its about an inch above the hole or may be an inch and half. Its very small and it feels like a small bump its get bigger when you play with it Just like your pines cause that is exactly what it is if she turned out to be a boy that is where the pines grous. Imagine the hole is where your balls are or right under it and clit is the pines but small like a pimple. Some girls have a hidden click the best way to find it is with your lips and taung lick that area very gently she will get aroused it will get bigger lick more sooner or later you will rear ohh ohhh ohhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there you found it

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Sounds like your girlfriend could use a little experimenting on her own if neither of you can find her clit. Have you tried looking at a Gray's Anatomy book? They have nice anatomical pictures that show every detail of every body part.


Anyway, the clit is a little round ball of skin above the urethra. It is homologous to the glans of the penis on men and is very sensitive to touch.

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"sooner or later you will rear ohh ohhh ohhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there you found it"



Oh yes. When you hear this you know you have found it. hahaha=D>


What is a 'pines' and a 'click'? I don't have these I guess!


The pic's from the post above are about as good as your going to get to find the location. Good Luck

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What is a 'pines' and a 'click'? I don't have these I guess!


I think they mean a penis and a clit.


Where the hell is the clit

Take a look at an anatomy book/site. It's above the vagina, just below where the non-membranal skin starts (ie the normal skin) and has a hood over it, which can be pushed back (gently).

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