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Hello an goodbye


this is going to be my last post for life and this will be the last time i write, and last time i will be on the world. im ending mylife. im going to shot myself in the head. why? i cant take life and everyone in it acting like they care but i can see right trough them they dont give a sht. goodbye today life is over

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Sure you have been through a lot and have a lot on your mind. You have mentioned before ( previous threads) that your father had died,,, you feel that the world and people do not care about what is going , you have had thoughts of wondering if you are gay. None of this is a good reason to kill yourself.


People learn to accept the loss of loved ones. Maybe you can help make a difference in this world , even if on a small scale by helping some one in need. And so what if you are gay.


You are young and have so much time to progress in life and come to accept things as they are. I am certain there must be loved ones and family that would be terribly hurt if you left this world.


So what else is there that might be bothering you ?

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Please read these


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Things WILL change, things will get better. You are not alone in your thoughts of wanting to end it all.

Millions of people have felt like you do right now and things HAVE changed for them and they can for you too but you have to choose life before this can happen.


Don't let your thoughts fool you into believing there is no other way out... There most certainly is.


Reach out for help and give the gun to someone you trust. Find someone to talk to. if you have noone in real life, see a doctor or talk to US..please

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Hello an goodbye


this is going to be my last post for life and this will be the last time i write, and last time i will be on the world. im ending mylife. im going to shot myself in the head. why? i cant take life and everyone in it acting like they care but i can see right trough them they dont give a sht. goodbye today life is over



why even make a thread?? Seriously why even come to the internet to say good bye, why not a note on the night stand?


You came here because something in you is telling you need to think about it. LIfe can't get better if your gone, things can always get better if your here. If you kill yourself it won't solve anything. If anything does happen after this life, like when people talk about dieing and coming back, they say it only gets harder on you if you kill yourself.


Your here because your suppose to see how your life ends up, nature will take it's course and things will get better. Hang in there.

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Hang in there okay. Life is tough, yes, but just hang in there...you won't regret it.

Definitely seek help. If you don't think you can make it on your own definitely seek help.

Someone will be there to help you okay. Someone will help you.

I really feel for you.

Even though you probably feel like you're just hanging on by a thread, hang on

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Hey there...I'm hoping you will read this. People don't choose suicide, suicide happens when the pain is too much to deal with and you run out of coping solutions. Take a minute to sit think and reflect. Tell yourself, "I will wait 10 minutes until I do it." That's good. When you reach 10 minutes, tell yourself, "I will wait until tomorrow." When you reach tomorrow, just keep making deadlines. During the times in between try to find something to stop you. Anything. One reason is enough. Trust me, I've been through this many times. It WILL pass. Hang in there. If not for anything, for the people that cared enough to respond to you, and the people in your life that care about you. It would break them if you died.

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