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my hunny's dad is gay... and i'm mixed up

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okay, i know this is weird, but it is the truth... my boyfriend's parents just got a divorce. before my bf's mom married "him" there was a hint here and a hint there that he was gay. now he says that it isnt true but he is an acholic in denial of his sexuality. he just got a hold of an old but buddy and i have a feeling that he is hitting on my hunny becuase he is the most "manly" in the house hold between him and his brothers, he is jealous of me becuase before i came into the pic, they always spent time together on the farm and when i did come he tried to pull my hunny away. now "him" wants my hunny to move up north with him and i know that my hunny dont want to and i'm so afraid that my hunny might get raped or something if this man gets sexualy desperate and everything else, i know the whole thing is really funny but i just feel inscicure like hes going to go up north and leave me and hes going to get but raped or soemthing.... what should i do???

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