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Sooooo confused need help

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My girlfriend and I got together back in December of 2001... We seemed so perfect for each other... She always said.. When were 18 your proposing to me and I was like hell yea... Well yea we even considered each other best friends and our familys loved each other... Well in April she said she needs alittle space... That was very hard for me but I thought it was temporary... She started hanging out with this kid and it upset me and I asked her and she said she doesn't like him that way.. Well about 2 weeks ago she asked me over and told me that she has feelings for him an that we cant be together now.. She started crying a whole lot and I did to a bit... Well I am having so much trouble dealing with this.. I cant sleep or eat... We used to be together all tha time and I dont no any different now.. I am not interested in other girls or anything..I just want my girl and best friend back... She even said he has asked her to "go out with him" numerous times but she cant say yes because she loves me to death... I saw them the other night together at tha movies and I wanted to die there.. I can't go on this way...She actually still said she wants to end up with me but what is going on now I can't take..

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I know when your heart is broken you just want someone to fix it. I remember during my last break up wanting to hear an easy answer. Well here it is: time + NOT TALKING TO EX + time + time. Unfortunately time is the only way to mend a broken heart (cliche cliche, but oh so true) Remember that the number 1 person for you to be thinking about is YOU. So make sure that you treat yourself with respect, because YOU are the only person you can control.

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she wants to end up with you eventually? i think this girl is playing you. she knows she can have you if this current relationship with this other guy didn't work out. you dont need someone like that in your life. you need to stay away or avoid places you know she'll be. you need time to heal so you can move on. having some kind of contact with her will only hurt you. i know things right now sucks but it will get better...trust me.

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I know I gotta let go of her but tha thing is I really dont want too.. Ive had alot of other girlfriends who were ok an all but really didn't get me tha way she did...The times of us going to the shore, layin on the beach, spending quiet time at night, talking on the phone for hours, and just everything.. I don't want to experience that with anyone else... I'd rather have 1 Best friend then 10 ok friends an thats what she was.. Somehow I gotta make my self want to get over her but I dunno if thats going to happen

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