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okay i'm almost to my 6th month with my boyfriend and pretty much our relationship is like a good bottle of whine, with time it just gets better. i've had 5 boyfriends before this and i've never felt this way about a guy before, every one says that we are a perfect match and someday we are going to get married, even his parents and my father think so. what could be some signs that i found my soulmate?

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Sounds like you guys are doing pretty well. I think this is great! I feel the same way about this guy I've been dating. How did you guys meet? I would take it slow and enjoy what you have together. No need to rush into marriage or anything right away.

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hello, totally agree with foolish...If its meant to be and he is the one, you will just want to be together forever and the marriage thing will just happen but you wont feel it has to be rushed because you have a lifetime...


Enjoy your time together and never take each other for granted...and behave like little ducks..because when ducks mate they mate for life...(little bit of silly information there but hey!)

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if you find it hard to forgive hime when you two fight and yo just find his annoying habits unbearable those may be some bad signs. but fighting is good cuz it would be just kinda creepy if you didn't fight at all. have you liked talked to him a lot about the future cuz sometimes it scares people so don't just like fantize about all the time to him. it also depends on how young you are it may just be that you are starting to find the people you like to go out with.


i am kinda going through a similar situation myself and you won't really be sure until time reveals itself

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