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Opinions needed from ladies...

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I think you will find that some women would value it, others would not care one way or the other, or others would prefer someone with experience.


If they are into you, I really don't think it would be something that would attract or detract either way.

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I would rather the person be a virgin... because who wants used goods? Okay, people don't mind and that doesn't mean it's a bad thing, but I don't think there's anything wrong with being a virgin at whatever age.


What you're doing with your life shows more of the quality person you are, rather than if you're a virgin or not... that's not really the experience you should be worried about having.

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I think it depends on the type of person you are.


If he is a good man I could care less whether he's a virgin or not.


I don't place a high value on it. I do place a high value on the person however.


If a man is a virgin, it doesn't mean that he's not evil, or self-centered, or crazy.


I think virginity falls pretty low on the ladder behind character.

But then again I may be slighty baised.

I had sex with a virgin; he was crazy and abusive, he also stalked me for a year, so maybe that's why it means nothing to me.

In all fairness I was a virgin too, but I was nice.

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I would rather the person be a virgin... because who wants used goods? Okay, people don't mind and that doesn't mean it's a bad thing, but I don't think there's anything wrong with being a virgin at whatever age.



Non virgins are not used goods. Plenty of poeple do want these "used goods" thank you very much.


Nor do non-virgins show any less character than those who are...some virgins aren't virgins by choice.


It personally doesn't matter to me whether someone is a virgin or not...honestly I would be a bit surprised to find out if a guy i'm dating is still a virgin at 24 but it wouldn't change my opinion of him otherwise, and I would still continue dating him, virgin or not.

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You even quoted me explaining that people don't mind.


The fact remains that you called non virgins used goods. Was that really necessary? It's like saying "Non-virgins are used goods, but people don't seem to mind so I guess it's okay."

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I think a man that is a virgin is sexy, aslong as he still meets all the characteristics that i find good in a man and suites my personal taste.


Non virgins are definitly not used goods.

Losing our virginity and reproducing are what our bodies were made for

so i dont think that just because someone isnt a virgin it would mean that

they are any less of that of a virgin.

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