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What is going on with her?

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No, she wasn't bluffing nor trying to torture you. She is also having a hard time with the breakup.



Avoid contacting her. Begging dind't do any good, so let her think things and decide if she will give both of you another chance. Though, I can hardly see it happening.

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By the way, it is highly likely that the relationship was over a long time ago. You know? Relationships can end before moving out and the official break up.


Have you had a SERIOUS talk with her about how she felt? Maybe she lost feelings for you a long time ago, and tried to save the relationship.


Pleople usually focus on what happened just before the breakup, when in fact, people don't usually end up a long term relationship over a single argument.

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I agree with Tod, the relationship was long over before she came back for her things. Sometimes it's too emotional to pack those things up right away and move on. She probably had to take time to heal some before facing what was considered to be the closure portion of this relationship. The more you begged and pleaded the more she saw a side of you that was unattractive. Changing in to the person she wanted you to be would have meant to her that you could of changed a long time ago, you just didn't see the importance.


It's really tough to swallow but this sounds very final as far as being over. Your best bet is to go NC and work on healing and making yourself a better person. Did you have some bad habits or bouts of selfishness? Take this time to make yourself better for the next relationship. Live and learn.



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It doesn't sound like she was bluffing about the break up or moving out. It sounds like she left her stuff there, maybe as a way to procrastinate all of the break up feelings. She may have also been calling as a way to test the waters with you again to see if the two of you could work things out while not living together. It sounds like she decided that is not possible.


I wouldn't contact her. Give her her space and see if she decides she wants to get backs with you. I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. I have to agree with other posters that sometimes relationships are over before the big break up. Try to move on. Work on yourself and use what went wrong in this relationship to your advantage in your next one.



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